He said in a curious tone, giving the impression that he was just trying to be a good conversationalist.

From what she could tell, Yuuma didn't think he was suspicious, but he just asked a very personal question.

Deku: I'm sorry, that was a little rude of me. If it's something very personal, then.

Yuuma: No, no, it's okay.

She said interrupting him

Yuuma: I just have to think about it for a second.

Deku almost burst out laughing, he didn't know if this Fallen Angel was really dumb or just stupid

His order arrived accompanied by Yuuma's

Yuuma started eating her chocolate parfait slowly

Yuuma: I think I was disappointed.

She said suddenly, snapping Deku out of his reverie

Yuuma: Being Catholic was fine and all, but there were too many... Rules. And I couldn't keep up with them all.

Deku started eating his sandwich

Yuuma: I felt out of place among all those devout Catholics. I didn't like the feeling, Deku.

She addressed him directly, resting her chin in her hands.

Yuuma: The feeling of how much someone from above tells you that you shouldn't be like this or that person, as they are "better" people than you.

Deku: I see.

He said disinterestedly, but Yuuma didn't notice

Deku turned his gaze to the chocolate parfait

Deku: So this cuttlefish parfait is good?

Yuuma: Mhm want some?

Scene change:

Deku: I liked your name. Yuuma means "sunset", correct?

He mentioned without ceremony

She looked surprised by his question, but Yuuma recovered and nodded quickly.

Yuuma: It's a cute name.

Deku looked at the horizon watching a boat pass

Then he saw that he was inside a soundproof zone.

Very slowly, Yuuma brought her head closer to his.

Yuuma took a deep breath as if deciding something

Yuuma: Deku, there's something I want to do to celebrate our first day. Can you hear my wish?

Deku gave a big smirk in his mind

Deku: (Finally she will reveal herself.)

Deku: Sure, and what serious?

Yuuma: You...

She hesitated for a second

Yuuma: Would you die for me?

Deku: I'm sorry? I did not hear you.

he feigned ignorance

Yuuma looked confused

Yuuma: II said...

she cleared her throat

Yuuma: Would you die for me?

Her voice sounded menacing

Deku: Of course.

An ugly expression appeared on Yuuma's face. She backed away, chuckling softly. Suddenly, two black feathered wings exploded from her back, revealing her true form. Along with that, her black sundress was ripped to shreds and replaced with something else.

Deku the Infernal God in DxDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें