Chapter 8: The Patronus

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Alaina closed her eyes

As she closed her eyes, in her head she though back of all her happy memories

She would always remember the day that Gryffindor won the house cup in the final day of her first year, she wasn't happy because her house won, she was happy because her friends and housemates were happy.

She remembered the Hogsmeade trip where Harry teased Malfoy and his Bdoyguards.

She remembered when Hagrid returned to Hogwarts at the end of her Second Year, as he was free of all charges.

She remembered the days where she and her Childhood Friend Hazel would play around and talk about magic and fun.

She remembered the days when Nathaniel would come home and tell her tales about his Adventures at Hogwarts.


Lupin opened up the cabinet, but out came a Dementor.

Alaina immediately flinched, but unfortunately for her, The Dementor got too close and she didn't have time to attack.

Lupin cast the Patronus Charm on the Dementor.

And the Blue Light was in the form of a wolf, as the Dementor vanished.

Alaina panted of Relief.

"Sorry Professor." Said Alaina

"It's alright, now let's try again." Said Lupin

Alaina closed her eyes again

"Now remember, focus." Said Lupin

As the Dementor was once again released, Alaina looked a little terrified, she kept panting but she had to be ready.

"Say Expecto Patronum!" Said Lupin

With Feeling, Alaina said

"Expecto Patronum!"

As the Blue light left her wand, it was in the form of a very big Lion.

Alaina slightly tumbled over and dropped her wand as she stared in awe as her patronus attacked the Dementor.

The Dementor vanished.

"Excellent Work Alaina!" Said Remus with some claps

Alaina sighed and smiled as the Dementor disappeared.

She got up and was very proud of herself.

"Well, thanks for teaching me that Professor Lupin, I appreciate it." Said Alaina

"No problem at all Alaina! Now I think it's best if you run along now, it's getting late, And You don't want to miss any classes." Said Lupin

"Thanks, I'll see you soon Professor Lupin!" Said Alaina

As Alaina exited the room.

Lupin looked out at the sun, in his eyes the sun was the moon.

He thought about something peculiar

"Sirius, don't tell me you're after her too."

Later at Night, everyone in the Gryffindor Common Room was asleep.

Nothing really seemed to be happening tonight, although the Hufflepuff's were still worried about Claire being missing and were worried that one of them would go missing, or worse, get killed.

Until suddenly, there was screaming heard, Alaina and the rest of the girls woke up startled and confused.

The Students and Professor McGonagall gathered around in the Gryffindor Common Room, it turns out that Ron was almost killed by Sirius Black.

"That's Preposterous Weasley, How could Sirius Black have possibly got through the portrait hole?" Asked McGonagall

"I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife!" Shrieked Ron

Crookshanks came close to Ron's Feet

"And this bloody cat ate my rat!" Said Ron

"That's a lie!" Hermione defended

"It is not and you bloody well know it!" Ron argued back

"Silence, both of you!" Said McGonagall

Alaina sighed and Patted Ron and Hermione's backs

McGonagall turned to a man named Sir Cadogen.

"Sir Cadogen, is it possible that you let a mysterious man enter Gryffindor Tower tonight?" Asked McGonagall

"Certainly Good Lady! He had the Password! On a small piece of Parchment, The whole week's in fact!" Sur Cadogen perked

McGonagall was very furious

"Which Person, Which Abysmally foolish person wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose them?!" McGonagall asked Angrily

Neville nervously raised his hand

McGonagall has never been so mad, not only was Neville banned from Hogsmeade Trips for the rest of the time being, but he would never learn about any passwords, as no one will share any with him.

Nobody slept well at all for the remainder of the night.

A while later, The Quartret was walking through the Courtyard, They overheard a conversation between Ernie, Hannah, and Justin.

"I'm Worried About Claire, she got Petrified with me last year but now she's gone." Said Justin

"Do you think something happened to her?" Aske Hannah

"I don't know, none of us know, but Claire could be in danger, no one just goes missing like that, and we barely saw her before she went missing." Said Ernie

"I just hope they find her, I can't stand almost losing a friend." Hannah said as tears started to drip from her eyes

"I feel really bad, Sirius is such a prick." Said Hermione

"I feel awful, And it hurts, I just befriended Claire and now she vanished like that." Said Alaina sadly

"He has to be stopped at some point." Said Harry with Determination

The Four walked in silence for a few minutes, before Alaina asked

"Hey, whatever happened to the Cat and Rat situation?" Asked Alaina

"Well, Ronald lost his rat." Hermione scoffed

"I haven't lost him! You're Cat Killed Him!" Ron barked

"Rubbish!" Said Hermione

Harry and Alaina rolled there eyes at there argument

"You should learn to take better care of your pets!"

"It's not my fault that your Bloody Cat Killed him!"

"He did not!"



(The End)

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