"What do I owe the pleasure for your visit your majesty" athanasia said looking down at her belly she was nervous to see her father after 20 years, Claude was lost for words seeing his daughter right now she looks exactly like his beloved she even disguised her eyes as the same color as her and to see her pregnant in front of him made him emotional thinking about Diana

"Hello athanasia I see you are very far along with your pregnancy, congratulations"


"I assume tia told you everything" claude said athanasia nodded

"Yes she did, but I want to hear it from you" she said claude took a deep breath and was about to start talking till, tia came with tea and an awkward smile

"Hey hey hey sorry for the interruption I brought lippe tea" she said putting it down, she stood there while Claude and athanasia stared at her there was an awkward silence

"So what are we"-

"Get out"

"Yes mother" she left leaving Claude and athanasia alone once again, Claude a deep breath and started explaining everything

"Your mother was my everything" he started athanasia listened carefully taking in every word, "my life was dull and colorless when she came to my life she was my burning sun, my goddess, the love of my life, when she told she was pregnant I was excited to start a family with her I was excited to have you till it was told she wasn't going to make it I was furious and feared of losing her I begged her to choose me but at the end she chose you and I was too caught up with my grieve that I made a mistake using black magic to forget her and erase my emotions as a result I forgot about you, all those time I hated you was because of the black magic everything you did reminded me of your mother, I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart my dear daughter, I understand if you still want nothing to do with me" Claude finished athanasia just stared at him with her tears threatening to fall

"Do you still hate me" she said her voiced cracked

"Of course not I love you" claude said also feeling his tears leaking  athanasia started sobbing

"Then why did you treated me that way I just wanted you to love me just like you did with Jeannette" she said covering her face with her hands, Claude got up from his chair and fell to his knees trying to comfort her

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I hurt you" he plead to her while athanasia continued sobbing, she eventually stopped wiping her tears

"Like I said I understand if you want nothing to do with me I just wanted to apologize because you deserved it" he said wiping his own tears, athanasia stayed quiet and looked at her flowers

He got up and ready to leave

"I shall take my leave then I hope you have a wonderful life with your family" athanasia he said leaving

"Wait" she called out claude stopped and turned around facing her his heart was beating fast waiting for her response, athanasia took a deep breath

"I want you to earn my forgiveness"she said claude froze and relief her didn't know he had washed over him

"And I you to be part of our lives not because of me your already dead to me but because my kids they needs a grandfather they deserve it and they are the rightful heirs of the throne obelia needs their princess and I'm only the only heir for it"

"Of course" he said trying not smile  his heart bloomed once again  he was happy that his daughter gave him a chance after all the pain he cost her, he'll make it up and treasure her and her kids

Obelia's forgotten descendants Where stories live. Discover now