Mysta wants attention but everyone is busy. (Vox x Mysta) ||Angst??Fluff||

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This story is once again not fully how these people are, some parts may and will be different because we don't know how they are off stream. Please be respectful knowing this. 

Written: Friday, July 1st, 2022


Mysta woke up feeling.. not necessarily the best so to speak. He was feeling very affectionate and was wanting affection from someone. That specific someone being Vox. Vox was supposed to stream overnight with Uki, Fulgur, Shu, Sonny and Nina. He was supposed to be done his stream at around 3 AM which is when Mysta woke up feeling this way. 

Mysta got up and made his way to Vox's room. He went to open the door, but it was locked. He went back to his room and went onto twitter. He texted Vox asking why his door was locked and if he was okay. Vox told Mysta, he was still streaming so Mysta tried going back to bed, hugging his pillow as an attempt to replace Vox's comfort.

After about an hour Mysta went back onto his phone, saw Vox was still streaming and decided to text Shu, Shu was also streaming, as well as Ike. He texted Luca, pretty much in tears at this point. Mysta wanted some companionship and no one was capable of keeping him company while he wasn't feeling his greatest. Luca wasn't answering his messages, so after 10 minutes, Mysta turned off his phone and tears started to fall down his face.

Luca knocked on Mysta's door. "Mysta, are you still awake? I just saw your messages." Mysta silently crying, got up, and opened his door, his eyes towards the ground. "Mysta?" Mysta stayed quiet, he knew if he were to talk, his crying would become just as loud. Luca saw a tear hit the ground. This had happened before, but under different circumstances. "Aww Mysta. Is Vox not able to come talk to you?" Mysta shook his head. Not long after, the boys heard Vox laughing. "He's still streaming huh?" Mysta nodded.

Luca and Mysta had gone to the couch. Luca had put on a movie that Mysta wanted to watch, and so Luca had Mysta in his arms. More specifically, Luca was on his back and Mysta was laying on top of Luca, with his head on Luca's booba. Luca was in a muscle shirt, and white shorts while Mysta was in one of Vox's shirts, and small orange shorts. Neither of them had a hat on, and Luca had his hair down, out of his usual ponytail and half down style. 

Luca was playing In Mysta's hair, overall trying to make Mysta feel better until Vox was done his stream. Luca was always wholesome and only wanted to make his roommates feel better. When he noticed Mysta had fallen asleep on him, he took his phone out and texted Vox. "Hey Vox. Please finish with your stream soon because Mysta is feeling really Unpog and needs you right now. I can keep him company until your done but he was crying earlier when i went to check on him." He put his phone down and went back to playing in Mysta's hair, knowing it was something Vox did when Mysta was feeling any negative emotion.

It took about an hour before Vox looked at his phone. Vox felt bad. He finally understand that Mysta was hinting to him that he's in need of affection, and he ignored it. It was around 5 AM so he decided to close off stream. He left and went into the living room to find Mysta out cold on Luca, and Luca almost asleep. "Hey, it's about time you get done with your stream" Luca jokes, whispering as to not wake up Mysta. "Yeah.. Thanks for watching him Luca, I'll take him to my bed. I'll ask him once wrong when we wake back up." Luca nods, obviously sleepy, and he was starting to get a cramp in his hand from playing in Mysta's hair for so long.

Vox picked Mysta up in bridal style and took him up to his room. He laid Mysta down then laid beside him, spooning him. Vox kisses Mysta's cheek and, as Luca did, proceeded to play in his hair for a while. Vox took care of Mysta while he was ill, skipping a few streams.


That's it!

I hope you enjoyed it!! Word count: 7:20 words.

If you haven't already, Hydrate, eat some food, and take some time to relax and have some time for yourself <33


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