✞︎┆²⁰· you ⛥·˚

Start from the beginning

"sir i really am so sorry... please get up."

ike gently held ciro and slowly pulled him up. ike actually found it a little funny that he was trembling but in a good way. it reminds him of a certain lady too.

"thank you. i-i'm sorry too. like wow, you have a very powerful voice for a soft-talking man..."

ike sweatdropped when he realized that the man was trying not to look at him.

"thank you for the compliment..? sir..?"

"d-do you know the way to the station?" ciro just asked.

hey, we won't even meet again, so why am i so nervous?

ike chuckled. he couldn't help it. the man looks big, tough, and can tackle a man himself but he's being a chicken right now. it really amazes him how people are different from others.

"i'll bring you to the station sir. please follow me."

"really? thank you, young man." i think this is better than guessing which way should i go again.

he's so cute. ike just thought.

"i owe you a big one." ciro said when they arrived.

"oh. don't mention it. for scaring you, it's the least i could do."

"we might meet each other again. i'll repay you." i hope we don't though. "my name is ciro."

"nice to meet you ciro. my name is ike." ike introduced himself and shook hands with the good sir.

"i'll buy a ticket now. thank you so much!"

"don't mention it! have a safe trip!"

when will this be over? ciro thought with his soul escaping his mouth.

after buying a ticket, the train immediately arrived. he rode it and took a seat, but then gave it to the old lady and just remained standing by the door.

don't worry, my darling and sweet, papa's coming home today, i swear!! ciro cried.

"you better come home today or i'll strangle you to death~!" - his wife

in loving memory of
cause of death: lost

"i give up," he said to himself while on all fours.

he's in the middle of a neighborhood, which is very unfamiliar to him. again. he's just assuming that he went out of the wrong station again, and the sun is already setting.

man, this is some serious issue, ciro.


ciro looked up, only to see a big-bodied blond jogging in place. his loose tank top was bouncing, even his big boobas that ciro almost couldn't take his eyes off at.

"y-yes? do you need anything?"

"shouldn't i be asking that, sir?" luca asked and offered his hand with a very bright smile.

ciro couldn't resist, so he took it despite feeling nervous about the stranger.

"are you lost, sir?"

"y-yes... can you help me?"

"sure, sir! what address were you looking for?"

oh god... finally!! this is it!! ciro cried.

after ciro told him his address, luca immediately told him very specific directions. luca was very adorable and easygoing in ciro's eyes that his stress was washed away for a little.

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