1. rain

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(marsh pov)

I slipped on my gray raincoat and stepped out onto the rickety wooden patio of Purgatory Mansion. It was raining gently, the neutral spring breeze rushing through my hair as I watched the sun rise in the distance.

I heard a grunt behind me as Apple was struggling to open her mahogany umbrella. "Need some help?" I asked, holding back laughter.

"Er.. yeah," she stated, handing it to me. I pressed the button on the side and it popped open.

She stared at me as if I had just broke a world record without a sweat. "..How do you do it so easily?? ... whatever that means."

"Easy means I can do it without struggle or it being hard for me. Also.. I press the button on the side..?"

I grabbed her hand and pressed it onto the button, which made it close up quick as lightning. She flinched for a moment, then said, "Wow. You're so smart, Marshy!!"

"I'm really not tha-"

I began trying to say something to her, but she had already grabbed onto me and started hugging me as if there were no tomorrow. I patted her on the head and slipped out of her tight grasp.

I turned my gaze to Bow, who was struggling to put on a slightly transparent pink rain hat. "Ready to go?" I inquired gently.

She stared at me, then back at the hat. She then rolled her eyes and threw it back into the closet without a second glance. "Yup."

I smiled, but was caught off guard when Apple grabbed both of our hands and began running forward, pulling us out into the rain. I felt light, sparkling dew on my bare feet as we all ran out to play, and saw bright flowers, now blooming, all around me.

"It's just right," I commented with soft bliss, gripping slightly tighter onto Apple's hand. She grinned at me and tried running again, but she slipped and fell with a yelp.

I caught her right before she hit the ground, immediately accidentally positioning her and I into a dip. My face flushed up and I instinctively dropped her, making Bow and Apple start laughing- well, right after we made sure she was okay.

Raindrops splattered onto my face and I spun around, blinking them off of my eyelashes as I rushed to do the same to Bow- without dropping them. "It wouldn't be fair if you didn't get your share, Bow," I soothed, gazing into their eyes.

"That's great, Marshy, but the only thing holding me up is myself," she teased, phasing right through my hand and onto the ground with an "oof". "I'm a ghost, or did you not remember?"

"Shushhhh," I drawled playfully, flopping onto the ground with the both of them and pulling them closer. I didn't mind that my perfectly white skirt was getting dirtied- I was with them, and that was what mattered right now.

Apple rolled closer to me, staring far into the distance, straight up into the sky. "I still can't believe you guys love me. Am I dreaming again...?"

I chuckled. "No, no, no, this isn't a dream. Not this time. Right Bow?" I said through gritted teeth. She would definitely try to convince her it was a dream just for the fun of it. She'd feel bad for it afterwards.

Bow's spiky teeth turned into a wide smile, but I glared at her and she over exaggerated a frown. "Finneeee.."

My face turned warm with love. I couldn't stay annoyed at her for even a moment. "Oh, come on, get over here."

She moved so close I could feel her ragged breathing on my shoulder. I grabbed Apple and pulled her as close as that as well so that we were all snuggled in together. I kissed both of them on the cheeks and got up off of the ground, brushing the lighter bits of dirt off of my skirt.

I pulled Apple up with me and reached for Bow, but she was sprawling and covering her face with her hands in embarrassment and glee. I took away my hand and noticed it without a ring.

I sighed and thought about how much I wanted to propose to the both of them. I love them both so, so much, I just can't stand the thought of not solidifying our love.

But then again, there was so much to do!! Getting two rings, setting up food, and decorations, and such.. and.. and not even to mention having to- having to PROPOSE to them!! They might not even accept!

Maybe they wouldn't even like to be married!! Maybe they would like the freedom to give me up at any time- or- or or LEAVE at any time a-

"Marshy.. are you doing okay?" Apple asked, tugging on my arm slightly. "You were clawing at your face again."

I looked over to Apple's reassuring face, then down at my hands, of which now were slightly bloodied with flakes of skin on top of it. I sighed and covered my face, groaning.

"I'd better go back inside and clean myself up.. I'll see you later, Apple."

Apple looked at me with a mix of longing, sincerity, and sadness, but she didn't say anything as I walked away and back into the mansion.

But right before I could get inside, I heard her running up behind me. I turned around and her lips immediately crashed into mine. She stepped back after the short kiss and left me to hang there in pure astonishment. She had never done that before..

She probably was ignorant to the fact that that cheered me up A LOT. But, I suppose ignorance is bliss.

I watched her for a moment more as she rushed over to Bow and tried to kiss her as well, but phased right through and fell onto the ground. They both started laughing and I sadly smiled.

I hope she does that everyday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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