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The UK world of Wizardry think they know it all. They think they're the best and all others are beneath them even other magical creatures. Some think Light is right, and others think Dark is right. Neither are right. That is what the rest of the Wizarding world knows. The rest of us know that magic is magic. It is neither dark nor light. It is the actions of the individual that determine if they themselves are light or dark.

In Bulgaria they're really quite enlightened on the truth of the matter. They know the truth behind squibs. How? They don't ignore the muggle world. They see their scientific strides. They know what incest does to offspring. It's quite easy to see it would happen to the offspring of witches and wizards as well.

That brings us to the Dobreva family which is thought to be the most powerful family in many wizarding communities. It is only known within the Dobreva family that the present day members are from the Slytherin line. Back in the 1930's Myrella Gaunt, sister to Marvolo Gaunt, was sent off to Bulgaria to marry into the Dobreva family. She took everything related to Slytherin with her including the Slytherin Heir ring. She could see where her family was headed and knew she had to save it. When they discovered what she had done they disowned her, but it wouldn't matter. By the time Tom Marvolo Riddle would be born the Gaunt family would have nothing. No wealth. If they hadn't disowned Myrella maybe the Dobreva family would have graciously kept them afloat. However they did and the Dobreva family does not take lightly mistreating your own blood. Family is very precious.

We jump now to the year 1980 when a beautiful baby girl is born on the first of October. She would be known as Katarina Kamenova Drobreva. So while the UK magical world usually attends Hogwarts in the rest of Europe they have Durmstrang a school for the boys or Beauxbatons a school for the girls. That would not be the route that young Katarina would take. For you see not only does the Dobreva family pay attention to the muggle world, but they also pay attention to those that are successful in divinations. They aren't seers themselves, but they don't look down their noses on them. It is the open mindedness that makes them so successful. They were told that their daughter has a part to play in saving the wizarding world. They were told that if Voldemort wasn't stopped he would tear apart the entire world not just the UK wizarding world. Their daughter wasn't such a key player that she herself would be the one to kill Voldemort. She was the key to putting all the pieces in the right places.

So in the summer of 1991 Katarina's parents met with Headmaster Dumbledor to have their daughter admitted to the school. Headmaster Dumbledor was beyond happy to have a Dobreva family member attending for the first time.

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