Danger boy: i would say about 10 or 11 o'clock but it's up to you ;)

I'll come at like 10:30 with my brother :) :Me

Danger boy: cya livy 

Me and my brother got our Motocross bags ready and we went to get our bikes out of the shed and made sure they ran fine and had gas in them. I tightened my chain and replaced Andrew's left peg because it was bent. 

"wanna just ride our bikes to there house" Andrew asked

"yeah sure" I agreed 

We rode our bikes on the street to the Deegan's house after telling my parents. My dad was going to go but he said "duty calls" so we just went without him. We got to the Deegan's house and Haiden was waiting for us in his moto gear. 

Me and Andrew got off our bikes and started pushing them closer to their house where Haiden was walking towards us 

"ayy what's up guys" Haiden smiles 

"nothing much" i said dabbing him up

Me and haiden got much closer after dinner when we were talking and last night we talked on snap for the rest of the day.

"go through the white gate and hucks over there putting his gear on he should be done by now so you can head to the tracks" haiden says 

Andrew nods and starts his bike and rides over there.

"get on" i say putting my helmet back on 

"what?" he looks at me confused

"get on my bike let's go together" i say like it was obvious what i was trying to say

Haiden gets on the back of my bike and butterflies start to fill my stomach because he put his hands on my waist. I rode to the gate where Haiden pointed to and he gets off my bike.

I struggle to find the floor almost tipping over but haiden grabs the bike before i do.

"Woah there you okay?" Haiden asked with the sweetest voice 

"um yeah thanks" i was blushing hard im glad i had my helmet on so you couldn't see.

I put one of my legs on the floor making sure i had enough balance and the other  over the seat not touching the floor. 

"too big for you?" he chuckled helping me balance it.

"yeah a bit i was thinking of shaving the seat a bit since i'm only 5'2" i laughed

"yeah same my 450 is way too big for me" he said

Haiden was pushing my bike for me to the tracks where his was on a stand. He put my bike on an extra stand he had.

"hey you wanna go watch our brothers first?" Haiden asked walking towards me

"yeah i wanna watch him ride his first few laps to see if he's good with the tracks" i said

We walked over to where Andrew and Hudson were and they were getting ready to go on the track. I gave Andrew a quick pep talk about taking it slow on the first lap because he doesn't know the track.

They were off in the track already when me and Haiden sat next to each other on the floor with our shoulders touching but neither of us moved.

Andrew was way ahead of Hudson because he was faster but Hudson was catching up a bit. There was a jump coming up and Andrew full sent it whipping it.

"so much for taking it slow"i laughed and Haiden chuckled 

"he's really fast" Haiden said obviously surprised.

"Haha yeah we trained a lot in Boston" i giggled 

We watched our brothers for 3 more laps and decided to go back to our bikes. 

"You ready?" haiden asked 

"do you mind if i walk the track?" I said kinda nervous to ride on a pros track

"yeah yeah of course ill come with" Haiden grinned 


AHahaaAHAAHHA im so bad at writing oh my this chapter literally sucked and i know there are grammar mistakes dont come at me.

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