Chapter 2: Raven

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    Her mom was doing what she did anytime Raven visited her at her mirror. Gloating about her looks and trying to convince Raven to use her power for evil. Sometimes she'd even try and convince her to let her free but none of this advice ever worked because even with how little Raven knew about herself, she knew she didn't want to be evil.

She usually zoned out during her mom's speeches, but her mom suddenly stopped talking. Raven finally looked at her mom in the mirror with her tall slate gray feathered figure.

"What?" Raven asked.

"Nothing, I'm just starting to think you're not actually cut out for it", she said turning away.

"Pfft, You're right. Because I'm not evil, like I've been telling you" Raven said agitated.

"You don't have the power, you're too soft, and I bet it's your friends doing that to you" she said while examining her long black nails.

"Leave my friends out of it!" Raven scowled, starting to get angry and tired of her mother's antics

"And when I get out of here, I will tear down that school with all your little soft friends in it and then maybe you'll be good enough", she said now looking Raven in the eyes as if daring her to do something.

Raven had it.

"You just don't listen to me, everything I tell you goes over your giant feathered head. And how DARE you threaten my friends! They are much better for me than you'll ever be!" Raven yelled over pouring with power, walking up to her mom staring her back down. Eyes now glowing a bright purple matching the set in the mirror.

"Aww, are you angry? Too bad you won't do anything about it, since you decided to be a goodie two-shoes" she said, shaking her head in dismay putting on a face of sorrow.

"I'M NEver going to be like you" Raven snapped, punching the glass. Immediately realizing what she had done.

She was so angry she lost control and was now doomed. Everyone in the land was and all because she had played into her mom's little game.

The Evil Queen now arose from the mirror. She laughed and laughed, her cackles echoing through the castle walls enough to send chills over everyone. Everyone had heard that laugh and had by now known of Raven's mistake.

Raven took steps back, backing away from her mom.

"I knew once I talked about your friends it would get you all riled up, now look at you, and your power Raven!! You CAN be just like me," She spoke, putting her arms out emitting purple fire at her fists, "that is if you just listen to me, my precious daughter" she wickedly smiled.

Raven had to take her down somehow, or at least make time for her to think of a plan. So, she surged all her power and shot it at her mom in an angry bellow. She deflected it to the castle wall, breaking the bricks letting in the setting sun.

"You just don't listen little girl and you're going to pay for that and all this disobedience!" She now glared daggers at Raven, blasting even more fireballs at her. Raven jumped out the break in the walls from the tall height plummeting down to the ground.

Using her magic, she lessened her fall and tumbled into the grass below.

"Come here, now!" she heard her mom scream down at her.

Raven started running not knowing what to do.

"I need a plan". She told herself setting into the forest behind her castle. Hiding behind a bush, Raven looked back at the castle, the top tower now was on fire from where she and her mom were.

"I'm going to destroy this whole land if you don't come out dear" Her mother bellowed from the castle, squinting from below Raven saw a giant purple mist form and from it a giant black Dragon roared. With purple and silver scales shimmering in the sunset her mom bounded onto the dragon's saddle taking it by the reins and souring into the sky.

Raven sighed, "Man this woman is crazy".

She took on over the woods where she shot blasts down below, Raven raced after her below the trees in her dark cloak sending magic to stop it from damaging the trees, not even caring if her mom found her.

Raven just hated this, her mother was taking it out on other people knowing Raven would come back out. She didn't want to be a bad person, she hated causing pain to others.

Raven didn't want that life she wanted to be herself.

Struggling to keep up with her mom she raced around trying to protect the woods magic blast after spell soaring through the sky draining Raven of energy. She was about to give up.

Until she saw a girl.

Sitting by a rock, with a blast coming straight towards her. The deer's that were by her now dispersed back into the forest. But the girl was too in shock to move, so Raven, pulling every bit of energy she had dashed over to her hoping neither of them would die.

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