Chapter 2 = Firework Event

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Now i will tell all about the event so basiclly on the 15th of August on midnight we púť the fireworks into a shape then we lit them all at one and in the sky we see a MASSIVE shape we made. Theyre are a lot of Colours. Im so exited but we have a little problem.

There is this cave where there is a monster you can see it and it is huge. We don't know what it is but we only know that it has been sleeping for more then millions of years.

I've heard that it will wake up this year (1973) and on the event. I dont want it to happend so we gathered all the information we need. We went into the cave.

WE gót a little, well a really huge drop of it's sweat in a tube and sended it to the lab. In just a few days the results came back and we froze when Júlie started to read the note.

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