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Father where are we going? the little girl asked her father as they got nearer to the fireplace.

We're going to visit an old friend of mine, and while we discuss business you shall stay where you are told, and only speak when spoken to. Is that clear child? Severus answered,

Yes father.

Right, now grab onto my hand, and step into the fireplace with me, and make sure not to say anything. She did just so.

Riddle Manor, is all he said next before throwing floo powder onto the floor of the firepit, and before the little girl knew it, she was travelling to a whole other place and that when they arrived, she felt queasy.

Ahh, the tall bald man sighed So glad you could make it. As he looked down, he saw her. Oh? And who's this Severus?

My names Violette sir. The three-year-old replied.

And how old are you, Violette?

Almost four, sir.

Your quite smart for your age Violette, but how smart are you?

She looked at the man standing in front of her, as if she was trying to investigate his soul, trying to find a way into his brain.

Quite sir, I know you have a son called Mattheo that is standing right above trying to listen in, but I wouldnt have caught him if you hadnt let down your walls, which you did on purpose, because you already knew what I could do, and thats the whole reason my farther brought me here. But his brains much too crowded with a flower called lily, thats why I didnt know why we were coming here in the first place. But now... now I understand, hes leaving me, isnt he?

Yes, hes putting you in the care of me so I can help you with your gift shall we say and when your old enough you will be sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where you will be taught the mundane teachings of wizardry, while here I will teach you all the dark arts has to offer you and more. Oh, and when you are sent to Hogwarts you can report to me about whats happening, and you will be able to see your father and more But this is only if you wish, if you say yes, you will have no contact with the outside world, including your father until you attend school with Mattheo, is that clear?

Yes Master.

We Grew Up ..,hogwarts school of witchcraft anf wizardry..,a fan fiction story. Where stories live. Discover now