"Thanks mate" Harry said as he gently took the note away from the boy, although he like scaring the older kids, he wasn't as comfortable scaring the younger ones. Harry read the note before giving the Hufflepuff a comforting smile "thanks again, do you need anything else?"

"Err...no sir" The boy shook his head

"You don't have to call me sir, just Harry will do. You sure you don't need anything? I don't mind"

"W…well, I don't really know where the green houses are and I have herbology first"

"Don't worry about it, just go and eat your food, I'll finish up and then I'll come and take you there"

"Uh...okay, thank you" The boy quickly made his way back to his seat, Harry turned back to Ginny and the rest of them.

"Brother, you are sickeningly nice to everyone" Sirius commented

"I think it's adorable" Ginny kissed him on the cheek, Harry looked at Sirius and looked quite smug. Sirius rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"So is that all it takes to get a kiss?" James asked "be nice to people?"

"Depends on the girl and how nice you are" Harry replied "why? Got a specific one in mind"

"Maybe I do" James smiled, glancing at Evans

"Well I wish you the best of luck"

"What was the note about?" Peter asked a few minutes later.

"Dumbledore wants to see me" Harry answered, Remus and Ginny both adopted a scowl before hiding it "probably about yesterday"

"Well, you did throw someone across a hall" Lily pointed out "but I still don't get why he wants to talk to you when it's been dealt with"

"Probably to depart some old wisdom or some rubbish like that" Harry sighed "that old goat is going to be the cause of many headaches"

"Hey, what's your problem with Dumbledore?" James asked

"I have multiple problems with him" Harry replied "including but not limited to his dress sense, now if you'll excuse me, I have to guide a young Hufflepuff to the greenhouses" Harry stood up and walked away.

Sirius knew that Harry didn't like Dumbledore, he wasn't fully sure why but as far as he was concerned, Harry had a good reason for everything. And if everyone in his house including Harry dislikes Dumbledore then that's saying something. He knew that Bellatrix was of a similar opinion, she didn't particularly care about Dumbledore but if Harry told her to not trust him then she wouldn't.

James wasn't sure what to think of this, on one hand Dumbledore was the famous 'leader of the light' but on the other hand, Harry didn't seem too fond of him and neither did his parents. His parents just didn't seem to care about him, he wondered why.

Remus wholeheartedly agreed with Harry, he had so many nightmares about whether or not he'd be accepted into Hogwarts, only to find out that he couldn't have been refused. Not to mention that Dumbledore was prepared to charge more than he should have which would've resulted in his family working overtime for months just to cover the costs. Any respect he had for the headmaster had quickly vanished after their first meeting.

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