Dancing is a Family Affair

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Author's Note: Here's my first family fic! (One-shot) :) (Most of these will be one-shots :) ) Please comment on how you liked it! Thanks! :) Comments are something I hope to see, but haven't so much yet. :) Anyway, enjoy!

Luscious chocolate curls flew past his line of vision, along with tiny arms that swayed in routine correlation, the choreography improvised. Those eyes, beautiful like an oceanic view on a sunny day, locked momentarily with his own, gaze moving wave-like across the floor. Her face itself however, drifted past his line of recognizability in a movement so rapid, a blink too fast; though her gorgeous effervescence was not lost, nor was her juvenility, on him.

"Cassie! Be careful baby-girl."

She looked up at the sound of such a familiar voice, one that sang her lullabies, complete with his guitar, about how she was incredible; the same voice who's lulls and melodic pitch was, at the time, merely fleeting blips across her underdeveloped mind, one not yet capable of storing memories.

"Okay Daddy! I'll be extra, extra, extra careful!"

"That's my girl," Mark praised, as he returned to soundlessly watching his daughter, admiring her dancing skills, envious, almost, of her love for it.

"Look at her babe, look at her go."

He felt a pair of hands snake around his shoulders, and the light, warm, imprint of lips along his neck.

Mark took one of those hands in his, spinning the woman whom they belonged to around. "She has that recklessness, that utter abandon...the same that you have. It's amazing to watch."

Witney giggled, its lightness winding around the booming bass of the music, making it sound softer, daintier, almost. "I love you. I love her. I love our family."

She kissed him, looping her arms around his neck, a natural impulse after four years of marriage. They'd had the official ceremony, with family and friends, a few months or so after their daughter, Cassandra, was born. It was wonderful, everything both Witney and Mark dreamed of, happening on their terms.

"I can't believe our baby is turning five in less than a week," Witney murmured, watching, along with her husband, as the small girl - short in stature, like both of her parents - continued to hip-hop in sharp, slightly epileptic, movements across the floor.

"I know, she's getting so big. It's crazy."

Suddenly, as the couple continued to bask in the bright glow of Cassandra and all that she is - a prodigy, a tiny dancer - theirs - a bouncy, upbeat, voice reached their ears, though not the child's - she who continued to dance aimlessly, pivoting and rolling her knee in time with the thumping instrumental.

"Oh my god, I love this song! You go girl!"

That got her attention. She whipped around, miraculously staying with the rhythm, and smiled hugely at the woman who stood in the doorway.

"Auntie Jules! Hi!"

Julianne smiled, waving as she began to sing, clapping her hands metronomically and to the beat.
"Don't need no filters on pictures before you post 'em on the 'gram, shut down the internet, they don't even understand."

Cassie spun around, shaking her non-existent hips as she shimmied over to her 'aunt.' "Come dance with me, Auntie Jules, and Mommy and Daddy! We can all dance!"

There was nothing else needed other than their daughter's plea. Mark and Witney each took a hand, and the little girl tugged them to the middle of the floor, with Witney nearly falling to her death on the slippy hardwood. Mark reached out reflexively and grabbed her hips, steadying her swaying form. "Woah there Wit, you gotta go easy on the caffeine, gettin a little shaky there huh?"

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