Dreams of Love...and Literature!

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(This poem is one I wrote myself in that lovely Natsuri hybrid style, for this fic. I used the Doki Doki Dialog Generator to make it pretty and official-looking!)

 I used the Doki Doki Dialog Generator to make it pretty and official-looking!)

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"Yuri!!" Sayori squealed as soon as she finished reading. "This is so beautiful! I love it! Although...what does this word mean?" She pointed to a word on the paper, scrunching her nose up. "Pul...pul-cry..."

"Pulchritudinous?" Yuri smiled, enunciating it perfectly. "It means 'beautiful.'"

"Yes, it's derived from the Latin word pulcher, which means the same thing," Monika added.

"Wow," Sayori huffed. "I swear, I've learned a new word every day since I met you, Yuri."

Yuri giggled. "Well, I'm glad I'm helping you expand your vocabulary."

"Anyway, I agree with Sayori about your poem," said Monika. "This is lovely. And I'm happy to see you've continued using rhyme schemes in your work. I know Natsuki agrees—don't you, Nat?"

Natsuki hadn't heard a single word the girls had said. Her eyes were fixated on Yuri's poem, reading it again, at a loss for words. When Monika had suggested writing poems themed for the upcoming New Year, she'd expected it not to be nearly as fun as when the club had written poems for Halloween and Christmas. But this poem...it struck Natsuki in a way none of Yuri's other poems had. Not that it was better than the others—every poem Yuri composed was equally amazing—but it seemed to stick out from the crowd, somehow.

Or maybe it was just because she was head over heels for Yuri, and every new poem she wrote conveniently became Natsuki's new favorite poem of all time.

"...Nat? You with us?" Monika frowned, poking Natsuki in the shoulder with her forefinger. They were sitting beside each other at one of the café's outdoor tables, Yuri and Sayori across from them.

Natsuki started. "Ah! W-what?" She glared at Monika.

"I asked you a question," Monika chuckled. "Aren't you happy Yuri is trying out rhyme schemes in her poems?"

Before Natsuki could answer, Sayori chimed in. "Of course she is! After all, it's really sweet of Yuri to try making her style a bit more like Nat's~"

Natsuki felt her face heat with combined anger and embarrassment. Monika and Sayori had both figured out her crush on Yuri a while back. They'd subtly teased her about it around Yuri ever since—Sayori in particular.

She leered at both of them. Monika and Sayori smiled innocently back.

Sometimes I wanna kill those two.

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