ch1 the sith warship

Start from the beginning

A few minutes pass and the 650 meter ship was just below us, I smirk as we reach the hangar bay doors. I grabbed my lightsaber and activated it before I felt a pair of arms stop me from doing so.

Yuno: hmmm hmmm!!!!

She made the handsign of lightsaber and escape pod instead of hangar.
My eyes narrow as my mind went into overdrive in trying to decipher what the hell she was trying to say. Until'

She wants me to cut a hole in the escape pods so we dont flood the ship. Oh that good thinking.

I give her a thumbs up as we made out way to the lower aft section of the ancient structure. The section of the escape pods comes into view as yuno activated her saber.

I follow with haste as we made a hole into one of the escape pods and swim inside.

Once inside we use the force to plug the hole with the debri we cut from it plugging the hole in the process.

She turns to me and takes off her respirator her smile was the first thing that was on her face.

Yuno: eeeheheheh oh my God!!! Were actually on a sith warship!!!

The large amounts of giggling were quite excessive but the pink color of her eyes turned amber as her happiness skyrocketed.

"Hahah, I know. I cant believe it, such a thing is impossible to find nowadays. But who would've thought we would find one on alderaan."

Yuno nods in agreement as we exit the escape pod we entered from and into the long forgotten hallways of the ship.

Despite it being ancient the interior was decently in place. A few water leakages and water damage but beside that no real issue. If we wanted to we could salvage the entire ship and sell it for 2 or 3 hundred million credits.

I take a breath and ignited my lightsaber once more illuminating the hallway for us to see into. I look at yuno to start our scavenging objectives.

"Alright, first things first, I'll head to the armory then to the prison levels. You head to the hangar bays and crew quarters. If you find anything let the sentinel droids on the surface know so we can extract the supplies."

Yuno: sure thing, I'm sure our friends are just as eager as we are.

I let out a laugh before we started to split up. She says see you later before turning into a sprint down the hallway and out of sight leaving me to my own devices.

Yuno pov

once the mission objectives were given I pivot on my heel and sprint down the sith hallway with a huge smile. Each step gave off a resonant echo which made music to my ears.

Oh my goodness, the ship is so beautiful, ancient technology, weapons, terminals. Ohhh~ everything about this mission is amazing!!!

Before I lost control of my emotions I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Ok, first things first. I need to go to the hangar bays and crew quarters."

3rd pov

Yuno takes off into an excitement run as she dodges and weaves between corridors and its debri with great maneuvability.

She takes a left to see a portion of the superstructure greatly damaged, she smirks at the natural obstacle course with glee as her eyes narrow, the force amplifying her movement greatly.

Yuno: 3...2...1...

Her eyes widen and leaps over a metal beam, she lands and slides under another before leaning g forward to her hands then pushing herself into a flip inbetween a hole within the superstructure.

She lands on her feat and manages to evade electrical wiring and other fallen superstructure beams just before she ignited her lightsaber and cut down a stray beam that wouldve clocked the side of her head.

Her smile becomes a frown as she takes a corner to see a large hole on the ground. With her force enhanced abilities she takes a force powered leap across with minimal effort.

The smirk returns as she somersaults to soften the landing before resuming the sprint. the obstacle course comes to an end as the sight of the hangar bay comes into view.

But her eyes turn to horror as large portions of the hangar bay were blasted open and filled with pools of water. Within the pools were small strike craft from the sith era along with many unopened crates in the immediate area.

The lets out a grumble before grabbing her comms device.

Yuno: Master. I've got good news and bad news..

David responded quickly and with affirmation. His voice was quiet as the sound of rummaging was also picked up from her communicator.

David: it'll be alright Yuno, tell me what's wrong.

Yuno: well I've reached the hangar bay but large amounts of it is flooded, there are multiple unopened crates within the flooded areas. I can see small strike craft that might be salvageable if we can get the area dry.

David humms in response as he takes a breath.

David: try to get the crates out of the flooded area and dismantle the strike crafts blaster cartridges. We can use the ammo and the blaster itself can be used as material.

Yuno: yes master,.

Only a second went by and her thoughts were quick to be reckless. A trait she often displayed whenever she was excited.

David sensed her excitement and asked what was going on. But before he could even ask Yuno already asked a question.

Yuno: would it be possible to pull up the ship from under the water with the force?

A minute of silence fell over the comms. The question yuno had asked was a legit question but the very nature of it was purely insane.

But David thought about it and in his mind.... this was absolutely fucking doable, it might alert the jedi to their location with such a large stunt but the upsides were so good they were taking.

David: damn it yuno.... fine lets do it get back to the ship, since we know the ships location we'll be displacing several million tons of water... can you handle that?

Yuno giggles on the comms as she ran to meet up to meet with her master.

David: something tells me this is where the fun begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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