"What?" Trudge raised his brow.

"It's almost as if that Duel Runner is... being powered by something else completely."

Trudge cursed under his breath. "Well that doesn't sound good. It's heading towards the old Factory, the car won't be able to follow. I'll pursue the target alone."

"Are you sure Sir?"

Trudge looked at his screen towards the driver and the other officer. "We need more men at the Crash site, no doubt some other gangs might be interested in what fell from the sky. It's one turbo duelist anyway."

"Very well, good luck sir." The others spoke before braking and heading back towards the crash site.

Yusei noticed that the car was backing off, but the Turbo Duelist was still going after them.

"..." Yusei seemed contemplative before stopping for a second.

Trudge saw this and slid to a stop as well. "Well, well Yusei, it's been a long time since the re-education center. So what's the matter? Ready to turn yourself in?"

"I was just noticing you dismissing the other officers. I wondered why you would do that."

"Pssh, I don't need them to stop trash like you and your duel runner! They're better off helping the others at the crash site." Trudge spoke out.

Yusei just sat there silent

"Hey punk, you listening to me?"

"Yeah. You just called me and my duel runner trash. But I'll have you know that this trash is stronger than you ever thought was possible right now." Yusei said with his poker face, but he had sent the others to back up his fellow security members. Perhaps there was a sense of honor in him.

Well said Yusei, very well said. Optimus thought.

"Why don't we make a deal? Let's duel; if you win, I come quietly, if I win, you let me go."

"Deal." Trudge said quickly, beaming with pride and confidence at the challenge.

"Yusei, is that wise to risk that?" Optimus whispered with a bit of shock.

"Trust me Optimus, there's more to this than it looks." Yusei whispered back as they both started up their engine.

Trudge looked around. "We're nearby the old 44 Highway, our duel will continue in that highway and as we make our way there."

"Deal." Yusei agreed as Trudge activated Speed World and the entire area was warped under a duel field.

As Yusei straightened up he saw Trudge line up side by side with him.

"I'll start things up with the Speed World field spell," said Trudge.

"Duel Mode Engaged." Both runners spoke out at the same time. "Autopilot standing by."

When the screen booted up, it had the same card symbol as Trudge's but with the Autobot insignia right in the middle.

Trudge immediately noticed the difference. "What's up with your duel runner's AI voice? Shouldn't it be female like mine?" Trudge questioned.

Yusei remained silent and focused on the road.

"Tch! Fine! I'll make you talk when I win!"

"Let's ride! / Let's ride!" Yusei and Trudge said in unison and started to drive away.

Yusei - LP: 4000

Trudge - LP: 4000

As Yusei and Trudge raced [towards the old highway], Optimus started to feel something off with his Spark. This odd... field that he was activated to make was feeling funny, and every part of his body started to... feel strange as well. He wondered, what exactly was this Dueling that the Earth Culture was so focused on.

Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's prime जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें