Chapter 4

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The next day arrived and I quickly took a shower, picked out and outfit. I quickly took out some baggy jeans and paired it with a tank top since it was supposed to be hot.

As I got ready, I could help but think about the events that occurred yesterday. Will Miles actually take me out after school today? I mean why would he, he has better things to do like, I don't know. Screw any girl he sees with a pulse.

I started applying some concealer, blush, mascara, and lastly some clear lip gloss. I took my backup and and quickly jogged down the stairs.

I said goodbye to my mother and took a granola bar and headed out the door. I saw my best friend, Mia as always waiting for me. I waved and walked towards the passenger seat.

"Okay, so my brother will pick you after school" replied Mia, "Mia, I'm not really sure. I don't think this is a good idea, plus I'm sure your brother has other plans."

"I already talked to him this morning , he will be there, don't worry okay. If something does happen, I'll kick his ass."

I laughed, then nodded my head wanting to be done with this conversation. Mia walked me to my lockers so I could get all the stuff I'll be needing, then proceeded to walk towards her locker.

After we separated our ways, I began to head to my first class, and began listening to my lectures.

Time flew by and it's already time for lunch. I began walking through the exist stopping by Mia car. We decided it would be nice to go out for lunch,

Mia shortly arrived and we began our way to a place called "Millie's fast food". As I entered the place, I couldn't help but admire the lights that were hanged around. All the flowers used to decorate the place.

We took a seat near the window and began to look through the menus. I decided to get pasta while Mia went with a salad.

The waiter came and I couldn't help but gasp as I looked back at a pair of blue eyes. He had nice brown tousled hair, and eyes that looked like the ocean. I realize I been staring and quickly gave in my order.

Mia gave me a knowing look as she raised her eyebrows playfully. "You were totally checking him out" Mia said with a smile. "By the looks of it, he was too."

I laughed awkwardly and nodded my head no, but Mia didn't take that as an answer. Soon the waiter came back, saving me and I mentally thank the gods above.

My pasta was delicious as I spent my time devouring it. Each bite I took was euphoric and I mentally gave myself a reminder to come back here soon.

We both finished our food as the waiter came back as he slipped our bill. We both paid and I noticed that he slipped his number, I couldn't help but smile.

Mia notices and playfully nudges my shoulder as we walk back. I laughed, "So when are you calling him" said Mia. If I was being honest I wasn't sure. Yeah, he was cute whatever but I don't think I'm ready for another relationship. Especially for what happened in my previous one, I could feel the tears coming just thinking about it.

I quickly blinked it off before Mia notices and ask and questions. In a matter of time we made it back it school.

I couldn't help but be nervous for what to come. I tried thinking of many ways I could avoid going. I mean he's mostly likely not going to come, I could just pretend I went and give her some story to put her mind in ease.

I felt horrible at the thought of lying to my best friend, but I just couldn't. At the same time I could feel myself smiling joyfully at the plan I created.

Soon it was time to leave and the bell rang, I quickly left so I could leave without being noticed. I saw him, Miles waiting by his car looking around, as if he was looking for me.

"Holy shit, he actually serious" I screamed in my head and quickly began to walk faster.

"Woah princess, what's the hurry?" I slowly turned around and made eye contact with his grey eyes. I see him smirking and I looked at him angrily, as I wished to slap the smirk off his face.

I tried to walk again, and I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my waist as he pulled me back to his chest. My heart started beating so fast I swear it was about to jump off. I could feel every, and I mean every single muscle and I couldn't help but think how they would feel against my fingers.

I feel his breathing on my neck as I shivered at the contact. He whispered "Where do you think you're going, love?."

I freeze at the nickname, "Come on, I owe you an apology don't I? Get in."
I hesitantly nodded my head and began to make my way over to the passenger side of his car.

I gave a silent prayer and asked the gods above for good luck cause god knows I'll need it.

A/N: Um another update already, yea. So our power out again so yea that's why so hehee. Um might discontinue not sure if I'm dedicated but yea you'll have to wait or maybe another hotspot. I'm just waiting for the internet to publish. But vote and comment!

Ask questions about me or anything so yea

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