Sara gives a lot of opinions than any of us, she is just direct even if what she says won't be agreeable to another person. Thankfully Myra has gotten well along with everyone.

Zar on the other hand seems to have made up her mind to not like Sara in particular because the other day she was chatting normally with Alia in the group. She even mentioned to me that Alia visits her regularly at Kiaan's home and has brought her some gifts.

I knew then things could get so much better if Zar and Sara became friends. We all could actually have fun together without arguments. The idea of them patching up and making us all laugh suddenly looked tempting to me.

I just wanted to get them together but they hardly stay in a room. When the fashion designer said me about the next collection she had prepared which is a maternity outfit photoshoot I immediately knew what to do.

Sara loves photos and doing exciting things while Zar is just looking for something to distract her mood from boredom. I asked the fashion designer if it was fine if Zar and Sara did the photoshoot. She said as long as they are carrying the look and giving the camera exactly what it needs that would be fine. I know they are both beautiful and can easily sell this collection.

"Oh my god! Me?" Sara had asked me dramatically when I asked her if she would do the photoshoot.

"Yes." I laughed. "If you are fine with it and of course ask Kabir if required."

"I am hell excited!" She cheered. "I hope Zar doesn't ruin this for us."

And her worry seems to come true because Zar didn't actually agree to do it. After all, Sara was involved. The whole point was to get them together so I had to convince her that she could do it for fun and experience something which hasn't.

I was able to get them to meet the fashion designer on Thursday and I don't know how things went because I didn't go to the office. The photoshoot won't be until next week as of now they have given their measurements and all but I hope during the time they spend together they just bond up somehow.

Zar had texted me a Thank you on Friday letting me know that she is enjoying it and that she is glad she got something to get her mind away from everything going on in her life. I know she is afraid of the pregnancy going wrong somehow and we still have a pending conversation about why Rayan wanted to talk to her.

Maya does as she is asked and she lets Ira know she has kidnapped Niam and Navya. On Saturday I pick them up from school and drive them to my in-laws. I know they will be safe here so Neil and I decided it will be the best.

As planned Ira calls me and she talks in a changed voice. She asks me to come to the location which I asked Maya to tell her. Ira assumes Niam and Navya are there so I have to play along.

Neil seems to play well with Mr. Arora and I feel terrified as we get all set to leave. Everything has been going as per our plan and I know it's all about timing and luck now.

I hug Niam and Navya feeling a little emotional about the mess my mother's family caused in my life and I caused in my children's life. I know they are strong kids or it wouldn't have been easy for them to understand the problems we have gone through.

Right now though we haven't said anything about what we are going to do because they are children and I don't want them to panic while we are away.

"Enjoy the time with everyone," I tell them as I try to control my tears.

"Mumma." Navya looks at me sadly as she reaches out to wipe the tear. Neil is suddenly kneeling beside me and he puts his arm around me as he squeezes my arm. I turn to look at him and he nods giving me the assurance I need.

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