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Y/n's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to Billy's loud footsteps. I was worried since he was never this loud. I got up and went outside my room. I saw Stu helping Billy walk. My vision was still blurry since I had just woken up. I rubbed my eyes and saw Billy's gash on his leg. I walked up to him and asked "What happened..?" As I helped Stu drag Billy to our restroom. "This dumbass fell on his knife while we were running away from the cops."  Billy rolled his eyes and hugged. He looked over to me and slightly yelled "Y/n put on a damn shirt!"

I was confused but then remembered I fell asleep with some shorts and a sports bra. My face slightly turned red on embarrassment. I apologized and walked out quickly grabbed one of Billy sweat shirts putting them on. It was slightly big. I grabbed a med kit and ran into the bathroom. He already took his pants off. "I have to go my girlfriend is waiting for me, bye hoe" he spoke up  pointing the middle finger at me. I obviously pointed it back saying "you have a girlfriend?! NO WAY." I said sounding shocked. He rolled his eyes "Oh fuck off.." he said and walked out of the house.

I grabbed a wipe and wiped of all of the blood around his cut.  It was quite deep. "Your such a dumbass Billy" He rolled his eyes. "It wasn't my fault..." he said "suree..." I replied. I grabbed a cotton ball and put some rubbing alcohol  on it "this is going to hurt..." I said. Placing the cotton ball in his cut patting it . He gritted his teeth.

I grabbed a piece of thread along with the needle. I put it down and gave him this gag "here bite" he bit it willingly "3...2...1..and a half...0" I said the last part sinking the needles through this skin. I felt him tense up. I cut the thread after tying it up. I put my hand to his face, letting him know to let go of the gag. He spit it out on my hand, I washed it along with my hands. I grabbed the bandage rapping it around his leg. After I was finally done i pulled him up. He smirked mischievously. "Bi-" he cut me of by picking me up and throwing me on the bed playfully.

"Babe your gonna hurt yourself!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes "Babe that's a new one...but I will be gone your being dramatic." I rolled my eyes. He threw himself in the bed landing next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. " you" I said, "goodnight sleep well love" he said kissing my forehead. I smiled as I dozed off with Billy doing the same after me.

/////////////////////////////////////|                 ~time skip to when                 |
|        Max comes back (Saturday)~.       |   

Y/n's POV

I have been really bored especially because Max is not here. Billy is always at work or killing. So often leaves me being home alone often. Luckily it was the day Max came back. *ding dong* I got up and ran to the door. I fixed myself up before opening it. Max hugged me a soon and he had the chance. I hugged him back smiling. "How was your week?" I asked. "It was great we got to do a lot of fun things!" He responded, he continued by saying "I met my step-mom and her dog, She so sweet!"

I smiled since I haven't seen as happy since well....his dad left. "That's great! You'll be going to your dad's again on Sunday at..7 I think." He look confused. "....Oh right...Max I'm starting school again so I won't be able to take care of you..." he looked upset "But I'll take care of you on the weekends..ok?" He nodded. His dad had already left since he had errands to run.  He hugged me and we cuddled on the couch untilI remembered "Oh Max, we are going to the waterpark as soon as Billy gets back you might wanna get changed. " his eyes lit up and he half yelled "Oh ok! I'm so excited" he got up and ran to his room. I laughed quietly, I got up myself to go change into this two piece.

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