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The warm sun filled everyone's cheeks. Finally grasping onto the full feeling and never letting go was like a new, fresh start. The moment a child leaves their parents nest, they are on their own to make their own choices, they have to do adult things, think like an adult. No school really ever prepared a young adult how to care for themselves and their own needs that they must take care of themselves. New adults got their first breath of loneliness when they went off to college, graduated and now had to find a job to survive.

Having a first breath happens three times in the average persons life. The moment you're born, the moment you go on your own, and the moment you have your last first breath. The phrase, "Take my breath away." Will always be used romantically, yet in some rare situations they can be literal. When a suffering person begs for their agony to end by the provider, they will scream for everything to be over, maybe they would do anything for their torture to be over. In this way it's vulnerable, a fighting being gives up, they give up on their breaths to be somewhere else, a place they believe can make themselves feel better. Yet never did they know their begging and pleading for it to be over, was just the beginning to a whole new meaning of breathing and fighting.

• • •

Files were thrown on the desk in despair, murder after murder, crime after crime, it never stopped. Officers were out patrolling the busy and quiet streets all day and night, yet this criminal knew every loophole. They struck so effortlessly it made the officers feel sick. How could one person be everywhere at once, always be quite literally in their shadows. He lurked right behind their necks, smelling their sent, looking for a perfect fit to his collection. They knew no face, name, discription, they didn't even know if he was a he. Officer could only assume the killer was a man by how brutal each victim was found.

The chief rubbed his temple and approached the crew of investigators. "I'm sending you all home, I need fresh eyes and till we have anymore cases that tie together you all are not needed. Go home to you families, get some sleep." He was at a loss, grieving families pleaded and begged for any new information on the murder victims, but he knew as much as they did. "Sir, another body was found." An officer told him, "Is it of this killer?" The man nodded. The chief was giving the file and went to his office after dismissing all his men. "Come with me, Jihoon. We'll look over them together." Jihoon followed his boss in his personal office. The elder man took a seat behind his desk, putting his reading glasses in the bridge of his nose. Jihoon sat across his desk, looking through files of fresh cases.

Mr. Lee sighed and couldn't believe the new case. "An eighteen year old school girl, wearing her graduation uniform. Why would anyone want to kill such innocent people?" Jihoon looked to him and cleared his throat. "Sir, there's something I should tell you." The younger man started. "Well don't hold back." The chief waited. "It's about your daughter." The elder man instantly locked up. "If you tell me the file you're looking is her." Jihoon shook his head eagerly. "No sir, not quite. But I have received threats, addressed to her as a leverage to get to you." The older had snarl on his lips, his hands clenched. He would kill anyone who hurt his family, they would receive no mercy. "Your job is to not study case files anymore, you're to provide my daughter with all the protection you would give you're own family if you had one. I want you by her at all times." Jihoon bowed his head.

The chief was no one to cross badly. "I will, this was only one letter." The older shut his eyes. "One letter of many to come. Who ever we're dealing with is no man to send one letter like a dumb bully, he's smart, too smart, I know he's under our noses. He knows to much to just be another fool." The chief was stumped, at this rate he couldn't know to even trust his own men, for all he knew it could be one of them. No killer easily dodged the police when they were everywhere at all times. "She should be getting off work soon, go to the bakery now. Don't leave till she's in her home and the doors are locked. I'll send you times to be by her." Jihoon stood up and bowed. "I'll protect her no matter what." Mr. Lee hummed, "You better, it's my daughter we're dealing with. I don't want this vile man getting his hands on her." Jihoon understood and excused himself to head to the girls work.


She stepped outside the little shop and locked the doors. Her bag in hand and her keys clicking one another. The doors locked and she stepped out to walk the distance home. "Nari," Jihoon called out from beside his car. The girl turned her head and saw the older, she smiled and waved. "Hi Jihoon." She chimed. "You're father sent me to give you a ride home." Nari stepped to him, she wasn't clueless to what's been going on, but she was the type to believe nothing like that could possibly ever happen to her. "That's nice of you, but I only live an eight minute walk away." Jihoon came to the passenger side door and opened it. "Chiefs orders, don't want to get me fired do you?" She smiled slightly and shook her head, coming to the man and getting in on the passenger side.

Jihoon shut the door and got in himself. "I haven't seen you a awhile, how's it been?" The man asked. "It's actually been good, the shop is getting more costermers everyday. I get to do what I love and then come home to me sweet little baby." Jihoon smiled his perfect smile. "Hun never liked me." He sulked as he drive to her home. "That's because you never visit anymore, after we went separate ways and all." Jihoon agreed. The two use to be best friends in highschool, but once college came around they split ways and never really contacted one another as the years went by. "Well you'll be seeing more of me nowadays, I'd like us to get back to how we were." Nari gave him a warm smile. "Really?" Jihoon nodded, "Absolutely." He wasn't going to tell her the real reason, besides, he wasn't doing this just because his boss told him too, he wanted too.

The rest of the short ride was a comfortable silence before they got to her house. "I'll walk you to your door." Nari smiled as she grabbed her bag, "Oh you really don't need too." Jihoon pshed, "Like old time sake, alright?" The girl just nodded and they got out together. He walked her to the door and she turned and smiled. "Thank you, Jihoon." Anything she said was always genuine, even if it was simple. "No worries, I'm glad I got to see you again." She opened her door and smiled one last time. "Me too." The bid goodnights and went on their own ways. Jihoon stayed after for a little bit to make sure no harm was being done, then he went in his own way.

Nari got into her home and instantly her phone ringed. She say the caller ID and answered it.

"Hi dad, how's work?"

"Hey, my meetings are going to run late tonight, don't wait up for me, I'll be going to my place to finish dim business there. I'm sorry our movie night will have to happen another time, sweetie."

"Oh, I understand. Well drive safe home,

"I promise I'll make up our movie night at some point. I gotta go now, bye."

Before she could even say bye he hung up. She sighed and set her bag down. Atleast he would make it up. Her father always like to spend every Friday with her to just stay close to his daughter. They would watch movies, play games, even bake together. Nari always valued the time her father soared for her. Nevertheless her mood was cured in an instant when her cat rubbed against her legs. "Hi, hun~ wanna go to bed? I wanna got to bed." She said as she picked up the purring cat. "I know you were excited to see papa, but that will just have to wait till next week." She frowned.

"Come on, let go night night." She coded.


HEY GUYS! Was is acceptable? Tell me your thoughts!

I know it was boring but every book had ti start somewhere~

Okay, bye. I'll see you guy July 24th for the next update!

–Janie's tae

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