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A Queen in Body, Mind, and Spirit Part I

You turned the corner, arm hooked around Legolas', speaking softly as you strolled along the battlements. It was three months after the Battle at the Black Gate, mid-June, to be exact, and Minas Tirith was starting to resemble its old glory. Two months after Aragorn's coronation, the help sent by the dwarven kingdoms and the elven-king had departed a few days previous, and you were enjoying the view of a slightly less crowded city. You'd also never say this to Legolas, but it smelled better without the elves. Or maybe that was without the dwarves? Either way, it smelled better.

"Y/N! Legolas!" Faramir cried out to you, Eowyn walking with him.

You stopped and waited for them, smiling as you greeted your friends.

"What brings the two of you up here?" You linked arms with Faramir as Legolas talked to Eowyn.

He blushed. "We're planning our wedding! Eowyn wanted to scout out the battlements for a spot. And, actually, while on the subject, why haven't you told me that you and Aragorn are betrothed?"

"What?!" You stopped, looking up at the man in pure confusion.

Eowyn and Legolas turned around to see your shocked face.

"What's happening?" Eowyn looked bemused, Faramir even more so.

"Nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to my fiance." You stomped off, the two humans still looking confused while Legolas smirked in the background.

"Aragorn!" You marched into the room, furious. "Get your ass back in here right now!"

He paused, one foot out the window with a confused, slightly terrified expression.


"Because Faramir just congratulated me on our betrothal?!! What did you do?"

He stepped back into the room and nervously scratched his head. "Oh yeah. I... might have told people we were betrothed."

"I gathered that! My only question is why?"

"Welllll, because the council keeps pressuring me to get married. But I don't want to, yet. I've been king for a little more than a month, and there's still so much to do. Just, please go along with it? For a little while?"

You weren't impressed. The disapproving look on your face conveyed everything you didn't say.

"Please? Y/N, come on. It'll help me out, and I know the pressure on you to get married hasn't exactly been light, either. The council's cracking down on both of us, me as the King and you as a hero of the war. If we get betrothed it'll solve both of our problems!"

You sighed. "Fine. I'll do it."

"Thank you so much, Y/N. You won't regret this!"

You smiled at the boyish grin on his face, the one that you hadn't seen in so long. Turning to leave, you grinned at him over your shoulder.

"I am expecting lots of kingly betrothal gifts."

His groan followed you out the door.

That night, you paced back and forth in your rooms, wringing your hands.

"What do I do, Legolas?! I'm not a queen, I don't look like a queen, and now I have to stand in front of all these people, lots of whom are my very dear friends, and tell them that I'll be a queen!"

"Just act, Y/N! Act like a queen! It's not hard, I can help you."

"I know you can help me get better at it in the future, but we're announcing it officially at a banquet in thirty minutes! I can't learn to act like a queen in thirty minutes!"

You were twisting your thumbs in that way you always did when nervous, and you could feel the pit in your stomach growing and growing.

Legolas rose from where he had sprawled on your bed, walking over and setting his hands on your shoulders, holding you steady and looking you in the eyes.

"First of all, you've certainly dressed the part."

That was true. Aragorn had sent you an exquisite dress for the occasion. The bodice was orange, with golden thread lining the neckline and the tops of the flowy sleeves that fastened right below your shoulders, leaving the shoulders themselves bare. The orange darkened down the skirt until at the hem it was a dark red, almost burgundy. The same gold thread used on the bodice was intricately embroidered as small dragons along the hem of the dress. These were matched by the golden dragon necklace hanging in the deep v-neck of the dress, and the golden crown of flames adorning your head. The effect was completed with a shimmering fiery red cape, pinned at your shoulders and sweeping its way after you on the floor. It was not heavy, and didn't look it- just gave you an extra air of regality.

"Yes, but do you think it's too much?"

You spun, trying to catch a clear glimpse of your reflection.

"It's not too much, Y/N. You look like a queen. You'll do great," Legolas told you.

You took a deep breath. "Yes. I'll do great. I'll act like a queen."

He smiled at you, stepping out the door. "You got this."

You smiled back at him as the door closed, taking another deep breath before opening it and making your way along the cold, empty hallway to Aragorn's rooms. No one had gotten around to decorating this area yet, so it was rather bleak. But you didn't mind- it just made you get outside more, which was a good thing!

Pausing in front of Aragorn's door, you took a deep breath and knocked.

He opened it quickly.

"Y/N! Good, let's head- Whoa."

His mouth was hanging open and he was blushing.

You smirked. "Like my outfit?"

Aragorn swallowed, audibly. "Ummmmm, yes! Yes, I very much do. Y-you look great!"

As he shuffled his feet, you got the chance to take in his chosen attire. Although, by the looks of it, Legolas had dressed him. The king wasn't very good at color schemes, even though he'd done very well with your dress.

Aragorn was the perfect contrast to you. While your dress was lit like the sun in fiery reds and oranges, Aragorn was calm like the moon, in a navy blue tunic with silver embroidery on the sleeves. The grey pants he wore were rather dull, but it didn't matter, because he had a sweeping, sparkling black cloak trailing behind him, only overshadowed by the gleaming silver placed on his head.

If you were the sun, Aragorn was the night sky.

And as you gazed at him, your jaw dropped.

It was suddenly Aragorn's turn to smirk, as, with suddenly regained confidence, he offered you his arm.

"Shall we head to dinner, my Lady?"

You promptly snapped your mouth shut and took his arm, both steadfastly not looking at each other as you walked the way to the hall. 

A Queen in Body, Mind, and Spiritजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें