First Day

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I woke up to birds chirping outside of my window. My eyes flutter open to see my blank ceiling. It's honestly a miracle I can still see even that. Only now do I realize how much I took for granted. I look at my wall. Still can't read my Crimson Riot poster. I don't know why I'm expecting my eyesight to get any better. I see the shadow of my mom walk into the room, and turn in her general direction since I can't really see faces anymore.

"Ejirou Kirishima I've been calling you for ten minutes now! You're going to be late for your first day at UA!"

"Crap I forgot!"

She rushes out of my room and closed the door. I jog to my closet to grab my uniform that mom picked up from school a few days prior. I slip on the clothing and grab my backpack. I walked out of my room, hitting the door frame slightly with my shoulder. I look around for the railing to lead me down the stairs, but can't see it.

'Guess I just have to act helpless and feel around for it. You're so pathetic and unmanly.' I thought while my hands aimlessly wandered.

Suddenly I felt a thick wood pole leading downstairs. I grab it with both of my hands and slowly guide myself down, missing a few steps on the way and almost tripping countless times, but I managed to get downstairs without accidentally killing myself. I guess mom already packed the car with my things for my dorm because my bags weren't where I put them.

While feeling around to get out of the doorway, I felt my cane next to the door. God, how I fucking hated that thing. It made me look so damn pitiful. People always ask me if I need help but I'm perfectly capable of doing things myself, so I don't bring it out unless mom forces me.

After some stumbling, I made my way out to the car, opened the door, and sat down in the passenger side of mom's car.

"Ejirou where's your cane?" she said, a hint of concern in her voice.

"I don't need it," I mumbled.

"Don't give me that bullshit Eji could you please just use it for once?" mom asked, but really there was no other option than to say yes.

She got out of the car and returned with the dreaded thing. We sat in silence on our ride. I was so damn nervous. I was going three hours earlier than when school started to feel around the halls and my dorm so that I could get familiar with the new terrain. Suddenly, we turned a corner and jolted to a halt.

"We're here!" mom chirped, handing me my cane.

I got out of the car and used it to feel around a bit. I noted the smooth pavement and every sidewalk, tree, and curb that I passed until we made it to the entrance. UA high school, for future top heroes. Not like I could ever be a blind hero.

"You must be Kirishima's mother. My name is Shota Aizawa, and I will be your son's homeroom teacher." a voice said in a rather monotone voice. He was probably here to greet us. "And you must be Kirishima."

I looked to where the voice was coming from and responded with a simple nod.

"Do you mind if I feel your face? It helps me memorize people better."

"No problem at all," he said as he gently took one of my hands and placed it on his face.

'Slim, almond-shaped eyes.' I ran my thumbs over his eyebrows 'A bit bushy, but at the same time well shaped.' I slipped my finger down his nose. 'Pretty average, no very noticeable features here...' I made my way to his lips. 'Thin and chapped.' Lastly, I used four fingers on each hand to trace the shape of his face. 'Defined cheekbones and pointy chin.' I took all of the data and stored it in my brain.

"Thank you very much!' I smiled.

Wow. I forgot what smiling felt like for a little bit. How long has it been since I've done that?


As I walked into the building, I could tell this was going to take forever. So many hallways and doors and open spaces and just everything like a person who was going blind's nightmare. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped a bit. I craned my neck and noticed it was Mr. Aizawa.

"How about I show you around?"

"That would be nice. Thanks!" I replied.

As we walked down the halls, I could feel a certain heaviness in the air. That could only mean that he wanted to ask a question.

"I know that you want to know something. What is it?" I asked

"Your mother was right. You are good at reading people," he said with a slight chuckle. "I am too. and I can tell you aren't fond of something right now. It's the cane, isn't it?"

I stopped walking.

"What gave it away?" I ask, genuinely intrigued. I thought I was doing quite well at hiding it.

"You have a look on your face. Almost embarrassed. And you're slouching," he said. "Why are you embarrassed to use something that helps you?"

"I guess it just makes me feel weak. Like it's a symbol for saying, 'Hey, look at me! I'm going blind!'" I replied. "I just...don't want my new class to know. I used to get bullied for it in middle school when my mom made me use this thing." I said as a gestured to the cane in my hand. I then heard a big sigh, then felt hands on my shoulders. They were tough yet tender with their grip.

"Listen to me, Ejirou. Anybody says crap about your cane or about how you're going blind, they'll be in for a world of pain. But if you don't want to use it, I could teach you how to use your hands as a guide instead. I have a secret. I'm going blind too because of my quirk. I know how you feel. And I promise you I can help."

Something lit up inside of me right then and there. Maybe, just maybe, I had a chance at being a hero.


Finally, the first bell rang. The halls were bustling with a sea of hair colors. I slowly but surely made my way to the wall and ran my fingertips down the cold surface. As the noise dialed down bit, I could tell I was going to be late.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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