Chapter 1:Detention

Start from the beginning

"Took you long enough, I was starting to think I'd finish before you came back,"Shi Qingxuan huffed out and Xie Lian cringed as he started explaining what happened.

"Actually, I got into a fight and I need to go to detention so..."He started and Shi Qingxuan gaped.

"A fight?!"Shi Qingxuan tried to process the news and Xie Lian smiled sheepishly, his eyes averting slightly.

"Yes.."Xie Lian said slowly and Shi Qingxuan got up quickly and gawked at Xie Lian.




"I see..."Shi Qingxuan said, thinking the information over."Well I guess you can't help it, I'll cover you for today but please help me tomorrow!!"Shi Qingxuan whined slightly as he pleaded with Xie Lian.

"Definitely, hang in there and I'll help you out tomorrow,"Shi Qingxuan nodded and Xie Lian quickly started packing his things and was about to go when Shi Qingxuan grabbed his wrist swiftly.Xie Lian winced as pain shot his wrist, as if a needle struck it.

"I knew you were hiding something,"Shi Qingxuan huffed out as he let go of Xie Lian's wrist."Did you hurt it in the fight?"Shi Qingxuan asked, concern lacing his tone.

"Ah! Yeah....I slapped that guy and must have sprained my wrist..."Shi Qingxuan gaped at Xie Lian
"YOU SLAPPED SOMEONE?!!"Xie Lian nodded slowly and Shi Qingxuan paused, processing the information before bursting into laughter."Sweet little puppy Lian hit someone!!"Shi Qingxuan teased as he laughed and Xie Lian smiled awkwardly at the pet name.Once Shi Qingxuan's laughter faded however he looked to Xie Lian's wrist again."Anyway you should go to the nurse's office before that wrist starts to swell."Shi Qingxuan said and Xie Lian nodded quickly.

"Ok..are you going to be ok here by yourself?"Xie Lian asked and Shi Qingxuan nodded with a big goofy smile popping up on his face.

"Go, I'll be fine,"Shi Qingxuan encouraged as Xie Lian started walking out of the classroom.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow!!"

"See you!"


WIth an ice pack in hand Xie Lian walked to his designated detention room.The halls mostly empty, not many people staying late into the end of school, until now Xie Lian thought he would be leaving school at his regular time but here he was, going to detention with a frequent "troublemaker", Hua Cheng. Xie Lian couldn't help wondering though if there was more to this Hua Cheng than him being a troublemaker in the teacher's eyes.Just as that thought crossed Xie Lian's mind he opened the door to detention and saw that the teacher was nowhere to be seen but Hua Cheng was there, he had a first aid kit next to him and had pulled his shirt up to show his lean and muscular frame, that was littered with purple and blue bruises.Xie Lian stuttered to a stop as the door slammed shut.Hua Cheng spun his head to face Xie Lian.They both stared as each other for a moment before Xie Lian looked away apologizing under his breath for barging in.Xie Lian took a seat away from Hua Cheng, to give him enough space to treat his wounds.Xie Lian forced his gaze to look down at his desk trying not to permit his gaze anywhere near the man next to him but inevitably he did.

"Does it hurt?"Xie Lian asked suddenly, almost surprised that his words could break through his sealed lips.Hua Cheng paused as he put a bandage on a cut that had bled slightly.He was deliberate in every movement he made, his eye not straying or flinching at any foreseeable pain, and it was only until he finished bandaging his wounds did he look up to answer Xie Lian.

"No."He said and Xie Lian paused, before looking down at his wrist, the pain was muffled by the cold of the ice and he could almost tolerate moving the injury until the pain shot straight at him that he was forced to stop."Does your wrist hurt?"Hua Cheng asked and Xie Lian looked toward him, he was no longer sitting on the desk, instead he moved down to a seat, as if to get on the same level as Xie Lian.

"A bit, but it's fine."Xie Lian responded honestly as he averted his gaze once more as he loosened his grip on the ice.Xie Lian looked back to Hua Cheng to see that the male's eye was closed, his arms folded against his chest, his body was tense and Xie Lian could tell that he had not been honest about his injuries.Xie Lian moved the ice away from his wrist and carefully placed it on the male's chest.Hua Cheng jumped at the sudden touch of cold and his gaze shot straight to Xie Lian."Here,"Xie Lian said a smile growing on his lips as he started to let go of the ice but then Hua Cheng grabbed at it and pushed it back into his hand.

"No need,"Hua Cheng said and Xie Lian frowned slightly before pushing his hand up softly against Hua Cheng's chest.

"No need, huh?"Xie Lian watched as Hua Cheng flinched away from the touch, obviously in pain from his injuries.

"Heh, you caught me,"Hua Cheng said playfully but his expression was scrunched up in pain.

"Yeah, I did,"Xie Lian chuckled back before looking seriously at Hua Cheng."Let me help you,"Hua Cheng stared at Xie Lian before sighing.

"What about you, your wrist?"He asked and Xie Lian nodded, understanding his hesitation.

"We can share."Xie Lian said as he rested the ice pack on Hua Cheng's chest, while also resting his wrist atop the ice."Is this uncomfortable?"Xie Lian asked and Hua Cheng shook his head.

"It's perfect,"

Forever Yours, (Hualian Fanfic) //Completed// Where stories live. Discover now