The Pencil

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As usual, Will was sitting at his desk drawing like he always does. Mike was laying on his bed extremely bored. Mike groaned loudly.

"What?" Will asked.

"I'm bored." Mike replied. "I didn't come over to stare at the back of your head while you draw."

"Okay, okay, just let me finish this really quick." Will replied.

"Yeah, 'really quick'." Mike said as he did air quotes. Will ignored him. Mike then suddenly got up and snatched Will's pencil.

"Hey!" Will exclaimed. "You asshole! Give it back!"

"If you want it, come get it." Mike teased as he waved the pencil in Will's face. Will tried to grab it but Mike swiftly moved his hand into the other direction.

"I was almost done until you came and snatched the pencil."

"Maybe you should've spent some time with me instead of your pencil. Then I wouldn't have snatched it."

"Oh, you're jealous of a pencil?" Will said, trying to grab the pencil but failing once again. "Come on, Mike! I was in the middle of

"You mean the end?"

"Mike!" Will whined.

"Stop being a baby and come get it." Mike laughed. Will tried to grab it, until Mike did the tall person maneuver. He held the pencil high above his head to a point where Will couldn't reach it.

"Oh, fuck you, Mike." Mike stuck his tongue out at Will. "You do that again, I swear I'll rip your tongue out."

Will kept jumping up, trying to reach the pencil, but he was too short. Mike kept snickering and giggling at him. It annoyed the hell out of Will.

"Shut up, and give me my damn pencil."

"Make me." Mike challenged.

"Okay." Will said with mischievous smirk. Will basically tackled Mike on the bed, and got on his top. Will pinned Mike's arms above his head and grabbed the pencil.

"You should've just gave me the pencil." Will said smugly.

Mike was red in the face. Like extremely red. He knew Will could see it. Will couldn't even hide the faint blush creeping up on his own face.

"Holy shit." Mike said breathlessly, while breathing heavily.

Time basically froze as the two boys stayed in this position for quite some time, both hoping something would happen. Both scared to make something happen.

Something might've happened if the door hadn't been busted open.

"Will- oh Jesus Christ." Jonathan said as he entered the room.

This probably looks awful. This looks like something that it was most definitely not. Mike and Will were definitely not doing that, and definitely have no intentions of doing that.

"Please, at least lock the damn door—"

"No, Jonathan! It wasn't- We weren't- It wasn't like that. And we most definitely weren't doing that." Will said, getting off of Mike.

"Then what the hell was that?" Jonathan asked.

Overlapped talking came over between the two boys, trying to convince Jonathan that it was not what it looked like it was. Both boys eventually quieted down after the realized Jonathan's unconvinced look.

"I just wanted my pencil back."

a/n: this is extremely short from what i usually write but this was inspired by a one shot i read in the book "!Byler!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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