"Oh your majesty you don't have to worry about that anymore we caught the guy and handled him"

He looked at me stunned and confused I just smiled at him

"Who's we and who is it"

"Oh my brothers they came to visit and I told them what happened and they caught him and taking care of him on my behalf, my brothers are very overprotective"

"Your brothers are here tell them to bring him here I would like to see them"

"Wait what"

"You heard me"

"Oh I'm your majesty I don't think it's possible were leaving tomorrow morning"

"You're leaving"

"Yes my brother finally brought the thing i can finally cure you with I'm planning on using it tonight then leaving tomorrow" I told him to be honest I'll miss the guy he sucks as a a person and a father but I'll miss the conversation we have


There was an awkward silence, I kind of feel bad for him after this he's going to lose everyone and remember what he did there's no way he'll let Jeannette live, but it's not my business what he does to himself or her, the only thing I care about is for my mom to get her justice

"Then bring them here for dinner you are leaving tomorrow"

"Oh your majesty your too kind but-"

"It's an order"he said fuck I'm screwed how do I explain about Arius looks he looks just like him maybe if he change his hair color he won't notice but knowing Claude he will

"Okay then we'll meet you for dinner, question after I cure you will I get paid if so how much?"

He just stared at me

"We'll talk payments later then" I chuckled dryly

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"We'll talk payments later then" I chuckled dryly

Claude pov

The mage is leaving tomorrow huh I like her presence she reminds me of someone I forgot, I didn't expect that I would love her presence so much at first she looks a nuisance but we have great conversations I should hired her as my permanent mage

Later that night I walked into the dining room I saw two blonde boys with blues eyes, one of them looks awfully like me

"Your majesty these are my brothers arin and amber" tia introduced they all look like someone I used to know, I can feel my headache creeping up

"Blessing and greetings to the sun of obelia"they bowed

"Rise and sit"

"Are you guys also magicians like your sister"

The boy amber spoke up

"Yes all of our family are magicians tia was the only one who registered tho but our sister and brother will when they are of age"

"Roxana and Orion"

They looked at me confused

"How do you know our siblings name, did you tell him about our family"he hissed at tia

"He asked" she hissed back

Arin stayed quiet and just ate his food

"I'm so telling mom about what you did"

"Boy bye she won't do anything, she'll probably be glad"

"Both of you guys stop it"arin hissed

"Shut up arin" they hissed back at him then they began fighting while Felix and I watch

"Let's just stop were being rude to his majesty" tia breathe out

"Man I don't give a f-" SMACK

"I apologize for my rude actions your majesty"amber said rubbing his head

"You look like me"I turned to arin he looked shocked and embarrassed

"Oh really I have one of those faces your majesty everybody thinks I look like everyone" he said


"Yes really"

I wasn't convinced at all there's something about these kids that I'm suspicious of, my head started pounding and the room started spinning

"Your majesty are you okay" tia asked she looked at me concerned

SPLAT I threw up blood and the room went dark


Tia  pov

Shit I thought I had more time the black magic is killing him rapidly it's time  tia thought


They quickly put him to his room and on his bed, amber gave me the branch, Tia took a deep breath this is it after he gets his memories he may actually destroy himself and everyone

"What are you doing with the branch" Felix asked I ignored him and stab Claude in the head, a gasped was heard from Felix

"Leave him be he'll wake up" I told him

"You guys go bring him in and the other" I told the boys, after he wakes up I'll show him his brother and tell him about his plans with roger alpheus, they are most likely gonna be executed I'm not sure about Jeannette and ijiekiel I don't care what happens to them they all deserved to suffer after what they did to my mother

"Felix we need to talk" I told him I explained him everything excluding that my mom is still alive and that I'm his granddaughter, he was left in tears

"His majesty used black magic to forget lady Diana that's why he treated the princess athanasia the way he did, the former emperor is still alive trying to get back the throne with roger alpheus that is why they tried to get rid of you because you were blocking their plans and princess Jeannette knew his majesty wasn't her real father and she was aware about the former emperor being alive"

"Yes but she most likely doesn't know about his plans"

Felix started sobbing and apologizing, this is so awkward

"I failed her, I failed the princess I'm sorry lady Diana I'm so princess athanasia"

Damn I feel bad it's not his fault it was out of his control, the only person at fault is Claude here, he was the one who cursed himself with black magic to forget about grandma he's at fault for treating mom that way and taking in that chimera, it's his fault

"Don't blame yourself Felix it was out of your control, the princess wouldn't want you to be like this"

"I need a moment in private excuse me lady tia please look out for his majesty" Felix said getting up and leaving poor guy

I sat in the hallway thinking till a strong mana wave shook the palace walls  which and screaming and wails could be heard inside of his majesty's chambers

He finally remembers

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