OC x reader - A magical visitor

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The warm afternoon breeze entered a slightly crowded main hall. I was standing to the side, amidst the other court members, while the King and Queen stood by their thrones. Today, the royals of Castle Moon would arrive for their monthly visit and they would bring a member of their court with them. I knew it was a girl from around my age, but something different peaked my interest.

Rumor has it that it was a Sorceress.

I could only wonder what she was like. The only real Sorceresses I knew were from the fairytales mom used to tell me and they were evil. I hope she's not...

As the double doors opened, one of our guards called out; "King Averon and Queen Hyacinth from Castle Moon..." The king and queen stepped forth, bowed and the guard ended his announcement; "...and their Royal Sorceress, Carolyn Runenbild."

She stepped gracefully into view of the royals and their court, standing beside her own. Her raven hair was neatly tied into a rope braid and her eyes were a beautiful shade of emerald. As she curtsied, she smiled slightly at Bartholomeus and Leonora; "Pleased to be here, your majesties."

The royals met in the middle, striking up a conversation, as the eyes of the Sorceress remained on the Jester's for no more than a second. Then, they slid over to the court. Most of them were departing to fetch small delicacies or prepare the guest chambers. It was just me and two butlers still in the room.

I gulped, as her eyes lingered on me and she walked over. When she stood in front of me, I curtsied hesitantly; "What can I do for you, miss Carolyn?" "There's no need for formalities, just Carolyn will be fine. I was just looking for someone to talk to." She smiled again, a little bigger this time, adjusting her posture to assure me she wasn't a threat.

I smiled back after a moment. She seems nice.

With a bit of talking, I got to know that Carolyn came from a long bloodline of Sorcerers and Sorceresses. She started reading about rune magic at a very young age and turned out to be an incredible learner. I, on the other hand, was an ordinary court member. My father and mother were both hardworking serfs and I was lucky they even managed to get me near His and Her Majesty.

"You're a nice person to talk to, Y/N," Carolyn smiled gently. I gave her a silent nod; "Likewise, Caro." "Miss Carolyn? You're room is ready for you." The Sorceress turned and bowed her head at the person who spoke, before turning to me. "I guess I should be going. We'll be speaking soon, hm?"

"We will, Carolyn," I smiled and she walked off. I looked at her leave and thought; 'Such an interesting young woman...'

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