Chapter 2: (Y/N) vs Luffy Part 1: Meeting of the Gluttons

Start from the beginning

They all had no time to process what had just happened as the bodies of their comrades who were busy fighting Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee flew past them and hit the ground falling unconscious.

Looking towards the fight, Alvida's remaining crew were horrified to see your 3 crewmembers sitting atop a pile of their own crewmemmates.

"Poyo!" Kirby cheered raising his sword high while Meta Knight gave them an intimidating glare and Bandana Dee just gave a friendly wave.

The remaining crew then turned back to you as you pointed your hammer at them.

"Hehe, alright guys...SHOWTIME!" You yelled.

From the outside, Alvida's crewmembers could be seen being launched into the sea or air as you and your crew absolutely wrecked them.

Meanwhile, Daroach was making his way through the ship taking whatever looked valuable.

The Passangers had evacuated a long time ago, some leaving valuable things behind, that combined with what the ship had already made this one of the Star Allies' best haul yet.

Turning down the Hall, Daroach stumbled upon 2 members of Alvida's crew talking to a little pink-haired boy with a barrel between them.

"Ooh, Beer..." Daroach thought with a smirk. "We can sell that to alcoholics."

None of the Star Allies liked alcohol, even you, their captain couldn't stand the stuff.

However, other people liked alcohol, mostly sad drunks and they'd shovel out a lof of Berries and other valuables for the stuff.

So, why not take some to sell?

The 2 Alvida Pirates seemed like they were about to punch open the barrel, so to preserve their profit Daroach acted quickly.

Meanwhile Coby backed up to let the Crewmember punch the barrel open.

The little boy was afraid Alvida would find out about this, but these 2 terrified him just as much.

Honestly, Coby hated feeling like this, so afraid, so helpless, so weak.

What could he do though?

They were pirates, he was just a little kid, trying to do anything would result in death.

So he became a doormat for everyone on Alvida's crew taking the brunt of abuse from all of them.

So when these 2 demanded a drink of his haul, he couldn't say no at all.

They said they'd keep quiet to Alvida, but Coby knew somehow the Ogre of a woman would find out and they'd blame it all on him.

He hated it on her crew, but he hated the thought of dying even more, and just like always, it seemed fate would make things worse for him.

Suddenly, the 2 pirates gained slash marks across their bodies scaring Coby quite a bit.

The pink-haired boy fell back into a sitting position as the pirates dropped to the floor.

Coby's fear only grew when he saw Daroach standing over him.

The Rat Mink glared down at the boy and placed his hand on the barrel.

"Are you gonna try and stop me?" Daroach asked and Coby shook his head furiously.

"Good choice kid." The Rat Mink chuckled placing his hand on the barrel.

Just as he was about to take the barrel, his sensitive ears picked up a sound from within barrel.

"Breathing?" Daroach thought backing up a bit. "Is there someone in the barrel?"

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