26. merry christmas

Start from the beginning

"Oh, then I give you my most sincere apologies" he chuckled.

"You can shovethem up your ass, your shitty apologies" she mumbled as she buried her head back under her pillow.

"I'll just leave you to fall asleep again" he said as he planted a kiss on her temple, "Good morning nap, sissy"

She groaned a "mm" and tried to fall back asleep but that was when she realized the music was still on.

"Tony ! The music !" she yelled, "Tony ?" she asked as she opened her eyes to see where he was, "Tony ! Close the fucking door when you leave ! Tony ! You come back and you fucking close it !"

"What ?!" she heard him yell from downstairs, "Can't hear you, the music is too loud. You wouldn't mind turning it down, would you ?" he innocently asked.

"I swear, I'm going to MURDER YOU" she screamed as she got up and walked out of her room, "I'll make you regret ever finding me again !" she leaned against the barrier of the mezzanine which was right over the living room.

Tony was standing in the living room, in the middle of thousands of gifts. She gasped at the sight, only remembering now it was Christmas.

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try" he scoffed, "come on, get down and come open your gifts"

"Holy shit, Tony" she said as she practically ran downstairs to hug her brother, "Tony this is amazing ! Can't believe you got me all those gifts" she nervously chuckled as she took a look at all the gifts around them.

"Anything for you, dear sister" he laughed as he pulled away.

"I didn't get you anything though" she pouted.

"Nah, that's fine. This is our first Christmas together since 1990, you deserve to be spoiled"

"Holy fuck, this is amazing"

"It looks like it's your first time doing Christmas" he chuckled as he parted her back.

"Kind of is, though" Hailey made a grimace, "My adopted parents didn't celebrate Christmas, always said it was just commercial. And when they died, it was just me, I wasn't going to celebrate Christmas alone" she quickly explained.

"What about Natasha ?" Tony frowned his eyebrows.

"Oh, we're- I used to celebrate Christmas with her but most of the times, we were both on missions during that time so... I must've celebrated it like twice since I got into SHIELD. But it's fine really, I don't like celebrating that much, I just like the vibe of the period" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, from now on, we're celebrating together every year. And I don't care about all the missions, I'll go talk to Fury myself if I have to"

"Please don't, I'll do that myself" she scoffed.

He stared at her while she only looked at all the gifts and the huge Christmas tree.

"Where is Pepper ?" she asked, turning to look at him.

"In the kitchen. She's making brunch"

"Should we wait for her to open the gifts ?"

"There is just two I really want to give you now and I'm not sure I could wait" he walked to the pile of gifts and started looking through.

He took out a very little gift, it wasn't even a box. She wondered what it was. She squealed with excitement as he walked over to her. She felt like a kid, this was so weird. He gave her the gift and she happily took it. She gave him one last suspicion look and he nodded towards the gift before she started to open the gift.

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