26. merry christmas

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a/n: I know, another Christmas chapter but honestly, it's my favourite holiday and I think it's the best to reunite with people.

a/n: I know, another Christmas chapter but honestly, it's my favourite holiday and I think it's the best to reunite with people

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December 2010.

The following weeks had been a total mess. She has had to deal with SHIELD, with Hydra, with Karpov alone and the whole deal about SHIELD and Nat watching Tony which she didn't even know about.

Nat was surprised, they all were. Karpov knew, of course he did. He just didn't expect her to find it out. At first, she had gone to see him to tell him she was dropping out of Hydra, that she couldn't do it anymore but she had changed her mind last second.

One thing had held her back, it was Winter. She couldn't just leave knowing he was still in there. And also, she didn't think Karpov would've let her just go like that. He would never let her go, not her, his Rose.

Winter had gone back to Siberia safely, she supposed. She wouldn't know, Karpov wouldn't tell her a thing. She had no idea where he was right now or if he had gone back under ice.

Oh, and now she had a name. Hailey Margaret Stark. Honestly, it was so weird to have to adapt to another name after being named Rose her entire life and Roxane for the past few years. Sometimes she would just forget Hailey was her actual name so she didn't answer when Tony would call her.

And she knew her birthdate now. She was born on the 11st of October, 1986. It felt unreal to discover all those things about herself, things she had perfectly lived without all those years. All of this felt like a dream. Sometimes she thought she was gonna wake up in the Hydra base in Siberia where nothing would've changed. But she was here and it was real. And it was also really weird.

She has had a whole conversation with Nick and Tony about wether they should reveal her to the public and the answer had stayed no. At least, not for now. Tony and her really wanted to keep the news private, at least until they knew how to properly announce it.

Anyways, she had spent the last two weeks at Tony's house. She had met his girlfriend, Pepper. She was really nice and she was perfect for Tony, would really put him back in his place. And she was really nice with Rose. At first, she was a little skeptical but it was totally understandable. Grumpy was his grumpy usual self but Rose knew he secretly liked her.

But fortunately, the media didn't find out. They had managed to keep it secret. At least for now.

three weeks later

Hailey was awaken up by the sound of a Christmas song playing at full volume in her room. Her eyes shot open and she took one of her pillows to throw it on Tony who she knew was dancing on her desk.

"Oh my god, Tony ! Go the fuck away !"

"What ? I thought you liked Christmas"

"Oh, I do" she said as she sat up on her bed, "Not when I just woke up, you piece of shit !"

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