Ignorance really could be bliss.

Penelope and Cale's faces peeked down at him from above, obscuring his view of the cruel sky above.

"You okay?" Penelope asked.

"Need to take a shit?" Cale added, his crass language as useful as ever.

Roksu wished that he hadn't recorded so many diaper changes as a baby. Now just about every time he used the restroom he was sure to get reminded of that particular mortification.

Oh well, he'd been a baby. That's what babies did.

"I remembered something bad." Roksu said honestly.

The pair sat at his side and it really was amazing how they really didn't need to do or say anything to calm him down. Just sitting near him was enough.

Yeah. There was no way he was going to let Cale get beaten up by the protagonist. He'd figure out another way to introduce Choi Han with his initial party for travels.

"Wanna talk about it?" Cale asked.

They were fighting so much a moment ago and now they were sitting calmly beside each other. For Roksu, he knew that was normal. It was a part of being siblings. For the thirty-six years of being an only child of Kim Rok Soo, it was strange and interesting. He got over the cognitive dissonance easily though through his normal tactic of that's just the way things are.

Roksu thought over Cale's question seriously, closing his eyes as he poured over his thoughts. It probably wasn't a good idea to say too much just now. Roksu's brain hardly had the capacity to deal with and organize his memories and he could feel another headache coming on from his efforts. It was likely that their memories would organize themselves naturally with time.

He didn't want to freak them out.

"Maybe later." He said finally.

Penelope poked his cheek and he glanced over at her. She had a worried little frown and furrowed brows. "Another headache?"

She was good at reading him. He nodded truthfully.

"Don't push yourself." She commanded.

She was really good at reading him.

"I'm not." He lied and avoided her wrathful stare.

Cale touched his forehead, feeling for a fever and smiling in relief when he felt none. "We should probably head inside soon."

The gentle sky was beginning to dim as the horizon brought hughes of orange to dance up inside of clouds in a pas de deux of day and night. Soon stars would peek out from the darkness of the sky and ask for all the wishes the people below could offer.

They wouldn't grant a single one though.

"Yeah." Roksu agreed and sat up.

He didn't notice it quite as much before but he was now hyper aware of how poor his motor control actually was. 'Right... hand eye coordination is something you get with practice.'

No one was born with the ability to perfectly control their meat shell. It made a lot of sense to him now why children always seemed so uncoordinated and slow. Even with all the memories in the world of how a body was supposed to move, he still found that his body wasn't quite capable of listening to him perfectly yet.

"You're overthinking something again." Penelope accused, offering him a hand to help him stand up. Roksu accepted it without issue.

'Rude kid.' He smiled to himself though. It was a good sign when Penelope was being outspoken. When she was really uncomfortable or unhappy, she'd shut down.

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