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"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?"

"...I'm Luna Takami"



"THAT'S IT?" the class was bemused.

Aizawa, the class teacher of class 1-A gave a boring look "You can go and take your seat"

There was an empty seat behind the purple ball-haired shorty. I took my seat, the purple shorty turned and smirked.

"Wanna go out? I can show you all kinds of things, babe"

"Disgusting" I grossed out.

The yellow-haired dude choked. The red and white-haired guy who was seated beside me turned,

"I apologize on behalf of him, he can be a handful sometimes," he said while having a neutral tone. I studied him for a while and turned to face forward when I realized the purple shorty had switched places with the yellow dude.

I looked around. The class had twenty students and with me, it's twenty-one, the class teacher is a bit weird but after all the class seems nice. Class 1-A has been through a lot of chaos, including the League Of Villains. I joined the school two days after the U.A Sports Festival. Everyone knew about the students who enrolled in UA by then and even about their quirks.

"Anyway, we have a big class today, on hero informatics," Aizawa said drawing the class's attention to him. The class mood changed immediately to an anxious, terrifying mood.

"Informatics? please don't tell me its a pop quiz"

"Crap, I bet it's about hero laws"

"You need code names" Aizawa added "time to pick your hero identities"

"THIS IS GONNA BE TOTALLY AWESOME!!!" the whole class cheered, which made me flinch.

Aizawa explained why we are given to choose are names in our 1st year [I'm sorry but I get bored when it comes to detailed writing so let's jump to the scene where Luna picks out her hero name]

"King Explosion Murder" the angry-looking dude, whose name was Bakugo showed his hero name.

"I'm gonna say that ones too violent" the pro hero Midnight stated.


'Jeez he's loud' I sighed and stared at my board.

"Why don't you be explosion boy?" the red-haired dude, Kirishima laughed.

My dad didn't want me to become a hero, and because of that I wanted to be one so I can piss him off even more. It sucks being the daughter of the No.3 pro hero. He always tried to keep me away from society; because of that, I'm not good at socializing.

"The new student, what's her name again? Ah yes, Luna~ are you ready dear?" Midnight chirped.

'shit the whole class is watching me' I started to get anxious.

"....Midnight, she hasn't still thought of what her hero name is..." the white and red-haired guy, Todoroki explained.

"Is that so, okay dear you can think about it and let me know later~"

I looked at Todoroki, dumbfounded. He gave me a soft smile.

"LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!!" Bakugo yelled.

"That's basically the same thing" Midnight complained.

[Aizawa then explained about hero agencies, some hadn't got any offers but they have the chance to intern in any agency too and all that stuff]


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