Part 1

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The bright sun had peaked through the curtains,shone on your face. your eyes fluttered open as you squinted. you groaned,attempting to turn to the other side. Trying to turn in your spot,you soon came to realize someone's arms were wrapped around you,making it hard to move.

A loud gasp escaped your lips when,you saw who it was. "Jungkook?!"You exclaimed,backing away. Opening his eyes with your loud shriek,Jungkook stared at you with confusion then,he was finally awake enough to understand the situation. Though,he still remained confused because neither of you knew what happened.

You got out of bed. "What the hell?" Jungkook said, in his morning voice. You glanced at your body and, noticed you were only wearing your underwear. Covering your body with your hands, you locked eyes with him. He nervously looked away--till he became curious of what he was wearing. He took a peak under the blanket and, it turns out he was in his underwear as well.

Yesterday, you came to this house, also known as Rose, your best friend's house for a party.

Two or three drinks later, you lost tracks and, blacked out. Coincidentally, the same happened to Jungkook. 

You and Jungkook have been enemies since, forever but, somehow today you woke up at your friend's guest-room and, in hims arms. It though give you a little butterflies in your stomach though ngl. And his as well.

But you being you decided to ignore it.

He rubbed his eyes, an unsatisfied groan escaping his lips.-You looked around the room and, found your clothes then, quickly dressed yourself.

Jungkook got out of bed as well. ''We didn't do it .......did we?''He asked, hesitantly, scracthing the back of his neck. Of course, not! I would n-" you paused mid-sentence at the sight of your shirtless enemy (or crush), shirtless Jungkook was a sight to see. "I would ne-never." You replied, after clearing your throat. "Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't want to either."He said and, rolled his eyes.

"Well the, how the fuck do you explain, us waking up in the same our underwear?"You asked. As you both blushed from embarrassment. "We were probably just tired. Don't overthink it, TinkErbeLl." He said putting his shirt back on.

"He's probably right" You thought to yourself, as you remained silent. The two of you locked eyes or an awkward moment. He didn't really know what to say so, you broke the silence.
The bright sun had peaked through the curtains,shone on your face. your eyes fluttered open as you squinted. you groaned,attempting to turn to the other side. Trying to turn in your spot,you soon came to realize someone's arms were wrapped around you,making it hard to move.

A loud gasp escaped your lips when,you saw who it was. "Jungkook?!"You exclaimed,backing away. Opening his eyes with your loud shriek,Jungkook stared at you with confusion then,he was finally awake enough to understand the situation. Though,he still remained confused because neither of you knew what happened.

You got out of bed. "What the hell?" Jungkook said, in his morning voice. You glanced at your body and, noticed you were only wearing your underwear. Covering your body with your hands, you locked eyes with him. He nervously looked away--till he became curious of what he was wearing. He took a peak under the blanket and, it turns out he was in his underwear as well.

Yesterday, you came to this house, also known as Rose, your best friend's house for a party.

Two or three drinks later, you lost tracks and, blacked out. Coincidentally, the same happened to Jungkook. 

You and Jungkook have been enemies since, forever but, somehow today you woke up at your friend's guest-room and, in hims arms. It though give you a little butterflies in your stomach though ngl. And his as well.

But you being you decided to ignore it.

He rubbed his eyes, an unsatisfied groan escaping his lips.-You looked around the room and, found your clothes then, quickly dressed yourself.

Jungkook got out of bed as well. ''We didn't do it .......did we?''He asked, hesitantly, scracthing the back of his neck. Of course, not! I would n-" you paused mid-sentence at the sight of your shirtless enemy (or crush), shirtless Jungkook was a sight to see. "I would ne-never." You replied, after clearing your throat. "Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't want to either."He said and, rolled his eyes.

"Well the, how the fuck do you explain, us waking up in the same our underwear?"You asked. As you both blushed from embarrassment. "We were probably just tired. Don't overthink it, TinkErbeLl." He said putting his shirt back on.

"He's probably right" You thought to yourself, as you remained silent. The two of you locked eyes or an awkward moment. He didn't really know what to say so, you broke the silence.

You turned to the door. "shouldn't you get going butter-head" You said, rolling your eyes. "I think you are forgetting that this my friend's house to." He replied, giving you an annoyed look.

Jimin, Rose'e brother, happened to be Jungkook's friend. Funny how things turn out-

"Whatever." You said, walking out of the room as Jungkook followed.

"Well,well,well,look who's up" Jimin smirked, upon seeing the two of you. "I made you guys breakfast! After all you're probably tired after.....last night." Rose said, avoiding eye contact to hide her tiny smirk.

You and Jungkook glanced at each other, with a somewhat worried expression on both your faces.

"What are you both talking about?We-" you said but, got cut off by, your annoying enemy /crush. "Oh my god, why do you have to act so clueless? You know what they mean. Do you really want them to say it?" He said, turning towards you.

"So, we...but, there's no way!" You said, in disbelief. Walking up to rose, you hit her arm. "You didn't stop me? How could you let me do that!?" You yelled, followed by a couple more smacks.

"Dude, why you let me do that?!" Jungkook said, mirroring your actions on Jimin. 'We tried!" Jimin whined. "Yes! We tried but, you two were too busy making out."  Rose, explained. "Then we decided to let you two to be. Thank us later." Jimin explained, futher.

"Thank you?Why should I thank you for something like that?!" Jungkook scoffed. "It was probably the woest night of my life." He added, with a fake gag. "Sure as hell didn't sound like it, buddy." Jimin winked.

You couldn't help but smirk, proudly. Jungkook looked at you with a 'what the hell?' expression. "That goes for you too, Princess." Rose said, emphasizing the 'princess' and Jimin giggled, while you ans jungkook, stared at each other, confused. "You never call me prin-oh-oh may.."your cheeks turned red and hot when you realized. You three looked at Jungkook, who had just realized what they meant. 

(jk was calling you princess last night when you and him were doing it)

His eyes went wide. "I...." he spoke but, clearly didn't know what to say. "Yeah you were that loud" Jimin said and, Rose nodded vigorously.

Scratching his neck, Jungkook looked away and, spoke. "C an we change the subject? I'm hungry, anyway" He took a seat at the dining table. "Yeah i bet." Jimin teased again. "Shut up!" A piece of food, flew across the room and landed on Jimin's head. 

Jungkook got up and took a few towards the door. He turned to face tou three. "Last night was nothing but a mistake." He said then, he turned to you and said,

"I'll thank you to never bring it up, ever again."

Something about these words, pinched you. Though, the real question is, was it the statement, or the person who spoke it that, affected you so bad?


When you wake up in bed with him after you both blacked out ;You two as enemiesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum