The Girl Who Cried Death Pt 2

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A/N Hey y'all! Sorry about this update, but I ran out of inspiration (again) and the next one-shot will be a song fic which I'm REALLY excited about. Also this part strays slightly from the original (for emotions)


Quick Recap:

She rounded a corner and spotted his form.


That was the last thing she screamed before something crashed into her.


Legend whipped around.

There, standing in front of him was his worst nightmare.


Donatella hung there, limp, her face rapidly turning red, eyes bulging, gasping for breath:

In the hands of her sister.


"Well, well, well, who do we have here?"

Scarlet's golden eyes flashed towards her sister, a sinister grin curving her evil face, as one of her purple tentacles reached out and trailed across the soft, porcelain skin of Donatella's cheek.

"So soft, so sweet, no wonder everyone else liked you better."

The tentacle went from Donatella's cheek to her chin, lifting the slightly purple face up to the light, as if Scarlet wanted to see the death in her sister's eyes before she killed her sister herself.

Legend panicked.



Something's pulling at my brain.

But what?

A flash of light seared Scarlet's eyes, the first glimpse of anything in the darkness she'd been residing in for centuries it seemed.

The last thing she remembered was screaming. So much screaming.

Julian, in a puddle of blood.

Donatella unconscious, being carried away by a grief-stricken Legend as they escaped from the island.

And her love, gone.

Scarlet had been terrified, what had happened?

She'd scoured each and every street of her kingdom, searching for answers.

But she'd found nothing. Nothing but death and disaster.

She could still see them in what could count as her dreams. They were projections really, projected onto the dark empty space in front of her. The blank stares, the twisted faces, tears still leaking from their faces. Children, oh fates the children. Their terrified stares as they clutched their parents, toys, and siblings. Their bloodied bodies were still warm. An angelic expression on their faces as they comforted their parents, assured them of a better world on the other side, promising to meet them on the other side.

She'd tried to stop them, she really had, but she'd been shut up in this dark space. Only let out by a mysterious force at strange intervals, and whatever awaited her and never been good.

She'd tried to escape too, running into the darkness, running into the projections, trying to escape whenever she was let out.

It was of no use.

Julian was still gone, she was still a murderer, and oh fates no one would ever believe her if she did try to tell them.

Oh, the irony.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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