.Chapter Three.

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Him and his mom both come back to me. "Oh honey." His mom rushes to hug me. I hug her back. "Sweetheart. Are you alright? Oh god, you look so hurt. Here, let me get you some tissues!" She grabbed a tissue box from the cabinet in the bathroom. "Here, sweetie." She handed me the box. I wiped my eyes, my nose, and my shirt. "U-Um, can I s-stay here for the n-n-night? Please?" I tried to say, still partially sobbing. "Oh my goodness, of course honey! You can stay in Teddys room. If that's alright with him?" She looks over. "Yeah, of course! We can have our own little movie night if you want." He pokes me. I chuckle. He smiles.

"Is there anything else you need? I mean, I see you brought a backpack, you got some stuff with you already?" Teddys mom asks. "Oh uh yeah, it's just the n-necessities, really. I few clothes. T-toothbrush. Stuff like t-that." I say. "Oh, alrighty then. Well, just help yourself to anything in the fridge and i'm sure Teddy can show you anything you need." I look to him and smile. He smiles back. God, he's adorable.

"I'll be i'm my room if you need me alright? Don't be afraid to ask." She beams at me. "Thank you so much, Ms. Duchamp." I beam back. "Of course. Oh and please, call me Mary." She hugs me and goes back to her room.

Teddy grabs my hand and takes me to the couch. "So! We could watch movies tonight, eat food, play games, read comics, if you want! Or I mean we could also just got to bed that's fine to." I laugh. "No, no. Let's play games and stuff." I say. "Awesome! Okay! So you wanna play a card game?" He grabs his deck of cards. "Yeah sure, uh, I just wanna get changed first."

"Okay! Um, did you pack your own clothes or do you wanna wear mine or...?" He trails off. "I packed my own, but I wouldn't mind wearing yours...?" I trail off. "Yeah! Um, come here, i'll help you find something." I run over to him in his room. He opens his closet. "You can really just pick out anything." He offers and sits back down on his bed. "Mkay!" I look through his clothes for a while a find a green striped shirt and a black pair of shorts. "How 'bout this?" I hold up the clothes to him. "Totally! The bathrooms right there to change." He points over. "Wait, Teddy. Come here for a sec." He walks over to me. I whisper just a bit, "Thank you for letting me stay and all. You're truly the sweetest." I put my arms around his neck

"Of course! Anything for my best friend." He puts his hands on my hips. We stand there for a minute, staring into each other's eyes. "I love you, Teddy Duchamp." He knows what I mean. "Wait you what?" He says, surprised. I quickly grab one of his dog tags and run to the bathroom. Locking myself in. "Ugh! Damn it, Y/N! You better hurry up!" He yells from outside the door. I smile and hold the dog tag in my hand. I really do love him.

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