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Cw: blood

"Why did you go do that for?" Suguro yelled.
"You two where the ones who sounded like demons!" Izumo said, crossing her arms.
"You have no idea what he is going through right now! So don't go calling people demons!"
"You don't either!"
"Rin..." Shiemi ran after him.
"Moriyama!" Suguro called, running after her.
"Idiots..." Izumo rolled her eyes, but ran after them.

"We are lost!" Shima smiled, fear in his eyes.
"We are not lost, I am just struggling to see where we are on the map." Konekomaru Miwa said.
"We are struggling to stay not lost!" Shima said. He saw a spider climbing up his leg. "ARGH!" He screamed he began to run.
"Shima!" Konekomaru put his map in his pocket and ran after him. Little did he know, the map had fallen out as he ran.
"Ah! I'm going to die!" Shuma yelled, shaking his leg and hoping in a circle with the other. "Get it off me!"
"Shima!" Konekomaru sighed as he saw Shima stood there scared.
"Is it gone?" Shima asked. Konekomaru stepped on Shima's foot.
"OW!" Shima called. "What was that for?"
"The spider was on your shoe. It is gone now."
Shima still looked scared. "I think I saw the light..."
Konekomaru rolled his eyes and went to grab the map from his pocket. He felt nothing. His face turnes to shock.
"Oh no..." He said.
"What?" Shima asked.
"I dropped the map... I think we are lost..." Konekomaru looked at Shima, who now looked more scared than before.

"What was that yell?" Kuro asked.
"I don't know..." Rin said. They had heard someone yelling ow. Rin picked up Kuro and began walking around the area. Out of the bushes came Shima and Konekomaru.
"Miwa? Shima?" Rin asked.
"Oh boy am I happy to see you Okumura!" Shima said. "There was a horrifing beast! It was going to kill me!"
Rin looked at Konekomaru.
"There was a spider." He clarified. Rin laughed a little.
"I'll protect you from the spider." Rin smiled. Shima smiled a little.
"Is Kuro okay?" Konekomaru took Kuro off Rin and held him close. Kuro was alseep.
"Yeah. He'll be okay." Rin held his paw. "He hurt his paw when we ran."
"Oh no! Did you clean it? Was there anything in it?" Konekomaru held Kuro close to him.
"Yeah, don't worry, I covered it." Rin smiled.
A few drops of rain fell. Then more and it got heavy.
"Guys! Come in my tent!" Rin called over the rain. They all ran in the tent. They all had less space then they would of wanted, but there was still some, and they all would rather sit in the tent than be out in the rain. Luckily, Rin had placed his tent under a large tree, so the branches took most of the hard hits from the rain.
"It wasn't meant to rain..." Rin said, as he opened the tent door a little and saw the heavy rain.
"Close it!" Shima snapped. "It is cold, and I don't want to freeze more than I have to!"
Rin closed the door. They all sat in silence.
"In a way, I'm glad we are all in here." Konekomaru said, looking at Kuro while patting the sleeping demon. "There will be more body heat to try and warm us."
"Yeah..." Rin sighed.
Rin himself was always hot. His flame caused his body temperature to remain high no matter what the weather. that is why he was the only one in a short sleeved shirt and the only one who hadn't put on his school blazer.

Suguro, Shiemi and Kamiki where under a tree. There hadn't been enough time to put up a tent. Suguro stood up, still looking for Rin.
"We can't leave him..." Suguro clenched his fist. He punched the tree.
"Suguro!" Shiemi looked at his knuckles. They began to bleed a little.
"Kamiki! Can you pass me some wipes and a bandage?"
"Moriyama... I'm fine..." Suguro said.
"No protesting! I'm going to clean your knuckles!" She took the suplies that Kamiki had given her. She wiped Suguro's hand and began to wrap it.
"Thanks Moriyama..." Suguro said. She smiled at him.
"The rain is calming down. We should set up some tents while we still can." Kamiki said.

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