Maelstrom vs Discord

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"This is Sasuke everypony" said Maelstrom he's going to be helping us. As everypony introduced themselves Applejack looked up in the sky, pink clouds were swirling above them and brown rain started to fall down like crazy. "Rainbow dash, what's with the rain? Er chocolate milk...I mean chocolate milk rain?"

"There's crazy weather all over Equestria! Cloudsdale is getting soaked by cola right now but don't worry! I'm gonna get this fixed!" Rainbow dash reassured.

Pinkie pie caught sight of Maelstrom and ran straight towards him. "Hey! I finally found you!" Pinkie pie exclaimed as she pounced on Maelstrom.

"I've been looking everywhere for you! Anyways!"

Princess Celestia's palace...

Everyone ran in the palace to meet the Princess. "Princess Celestia! We came as fast as we could! Before you ask, this is Sasuke!"

Celestia walked down the stairs, from the tone of her voice, you could tell it was an urgent situation. "Thank-you Twilight and hello..maelstrom and...Sasuke. Now...follow me."

The group followed Celestia down a stained-glass hall. "It seems an old-foe of mine, a foe I thought I defeated long ago...has returned."

"His name is Discord."


Celestia continued. "Discord is the mischievous spirit of harmony. Many years ago, Equestria was ruled by him, in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. My sister and I saw how miserable life was for all ponies alike so after discovering the elements of harmony we combined our powers and rose up against him. Turing him to stone."

"...Why didn't you just kill Discord?" Sasuke abruptly asked.

(...he's like my sister...) "Because, killing doesn't solve problems. It only creates."

She continued. "I thought the spell would-"

"Cut to the chase already. We don't have the time for you to be droning on." Sasuke once again cutoff. "Don't be rude or I will banished you to the Moon" said Maelstrom in royal candlot voice "yes your majesty" said Sasuke

"...You're a very impatient pony are you? Very well, ahem! Use the elements of harmony to beat Discord and restore balance once again to Equestria." Celestia stopped at a special door. "This is Canterlot tower, where you will find the Elements of harmony."

Twilight bowed her head down, she and Maelstrom quickly glared at Sasuke then turned her attention back to Celestia. "We won't let you down Princess Celestia!"

Celestia nodded, she put her horn through the hole of a gold sunburst. She hit with a quick shot of magic then she backed away. A vivid blue light shined through the door, in a few seconds, the door slid open, revealing a bejeweled box.

Rarity's jaw dropped when she saw the marvelous structure, well the box to be more exact. "...You can keep the elements! I'll take the case!"

Celestia flapped her wings open, her eyes softened up a bit. "Have no fear, my little ponies. I believe in all of you completely that you will defeat Discord once again..."

Celestia levitated the box towards her. "...with these."

She flipped the box open, revealing absolutely nothing making all of that talk and lecture completely pointless.

Pinkie pie started trotting away. "Oh well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside guzzing down all the rain!"

Maelstrom started to follow her as well. "And I'll be eating all the leftover cotton candy!"

"The elements...THEY'RE GONE!" Twilight gasped.

"Well no shit, Twilight." Sasuke then used his horn and levitated both Pinkie and Maelstrom back to the group. (Easy. Like I expected.)

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