part two, nothing perfect

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3rd person pov

The girl from the prolauge was walking home with a donut in her mouth and some groceries. But it randomly started to rain. The girl ran toward an alley. The girl couldn't help but go into the place. But when she saw the right, she saw a frankenstein-like cat girl (well Patchwork). She put the bandage on his hand. The girl(well not Patchwork) walked past them and pulled out an umbrella, and walked away. She doesn't know what happened next.

The next day, after the girl escaped from brightside, she kept running not sure where she was going. Then she bumped into Boyfriend. He was having a walk with his girlfriend.

Boyfriend - Beep!

The girl - U...uh, hi?

Girlfriend - Well why are you sweating?

The girl - I... uh... I... met a killer and I think he is going to kill me for no reason!

Brightside - Well not for no reason. You are a witness.... Great 3 of all witnesses in the same place.... Dang it.

Brightside threw his knife at the floor and picked it up. He aimed his knife at Boyfriend and put the knife at his arm and he drew a bloody line there. 

Brightside - Well, I guess this works well.

The girl - W.. Wait, you're bleeding?!

Brightside - well I know that I am, but why? Like I don't care that much.

Boyfriend frowned. He put his finger on brightside's cut he (brightside) made. Brightside hissed a bit.  Then he showed his right hand to the girl as if he wanted something he needs. The girl tilted his head to the right. Brightside made a mad face. He pointed at his mask in the girl's hand. She then knew and handed brightside's mask back to him. Brightside walked away from him.

Boyfriend - Beep bap bop?

Girlfriend - Well yea. I guess that, you know what, I don't think something is right.

The girl - Well yea the author keeps calling me the girl. Like she does know my name but, she doesn't stop calling me "the girl". (Don't break the fourth wall!!!!)

Boyfriend - Beep?

The girl - Never mind. Well how about we talk at the

Boyfriend - Beep.

After they went to a cafe, the girl looked at girlfriend. Girlfriend was just standing there, ordering some hot coco. The girl looked at boyfriend and opened her mouth.

The girl - Hey, uh, Boyfriend?

Boyfriend - Beep?

The girl - Do you know the man who was holding a knife?

Boyfriend - Bap! Beep boop bap bop!

The girl - What?!

A few hours later Brightside aopproached his home. He grabbed an apple and began to throw it and catch it back. He took a few bites and threw it out the window. Brightside wasn't in the mood for an apple, but the reason he took the apple is cause he just thought that it would be the last of the apple. A few minutes later, his bell rang.

Brightside - Ugh!

Brightside opened the door expecting it to be wind. But the girl was standing there with a icecream in her mouth. In the back of her, there was whitty (random, but I had to). Whitty pushed her into Brightside's house. When brightside saw her face, she was trying to scream but also enjoying the icecream.

(so that's it. I guess that you will have to wait for the other story, but I am going to take my eyes off this story for a while, so I won't be writing this story so bye!)

The story with a girl and a parasiteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora