Once all the other children are inside Zoe, another 7yr old girl here, comes skipping over with her minions Kiara and Macy, both just turned 7.

"Well look who it is. The little nobody." Zoe laughed, her minions mimicking her laughter almost immediately. I ignored them by staring at the ground around my feet. She stops laughing and holds her hand up, causing silence among the three.

"Hey little nobody, we are talking to you. It's rude to ignore us!" She walks behind me and suddenly pushes me off the swing. I land on the ground hard, barely managing to save my face from the dirt. I feel a sharp pain in my side, and then several more sharp pains as they start kicking me repeatedly causing me to groan and cry in pain while they laugh.

"HEY!" I hear someone shout from the other side of the fence. I hear a chain sound and a thud then heavy footsteps. "LEAVE HER ALONE! GET AWAY FROM HER!"

The girls stop laughing and run inside before yelling for the headmistress, who then comes out just in time to see the stranger picking me up. Putting one arm under my legs behind my knees, and putting his other arm behind my neck, he holds me safely, securely, and comfortably to his chest.

I struggle to breath through the pain in my side as I notice that there are suddenly 5 more strangers surrounding the stranger that's holding me. I can hear one talking on a phone, giving the orphanage's address to whoever on the other side of the line.

"Hey, it's alright sweetheart. You're going to be alright, love." a deep husky voice softly whispers to me, calmingly. Only then does it dawn on me that I'm shaking so horribly. But is it from pain or fear?

"S-sir! U-um.. I can t-take her from here!" the headmistress, who is obviously shocked that someone came to my rescue, sputters out in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

She looks like a deer caught in headlights. No one in this small town ever stands up for me. All of the people that show up here to adopt children are not from this town. This is barely even a town. It's got a couple small stores, a small school, and a small gas station, but if you want to go anywhere else you have to go to the big town a couple miles over.

People only ever come into this small town to visit the orphanage, sight see, or they are just joy riding. She knows she's screwed. Especially if that stranger that gave the orphanage address over the phone called an ambulance or the police. They'd be coming from the town a couple miles away. She's managed to hide her behavior from them because she knows she'd be in trouble. They don't really check on the orphanage very often either.

The stranger holding me starts walking toward the orphanage, not even gracing her with an answer. I meet the headmistresses eyes and quickly look away just before we pass her, shaking a bit worse than before. Fear. It's fear and pain, but mostly fear. I'm in so much trouble.

The stranger holding me seems to have noticed the headmistresses eyes meet mine and my reaction, because his hold my me tightens in a comforting way. They all look like they noticed her deer in headlights look and seem to already suspect something is going on. Especially since there isn't a hint of any real concern for me in her eyes.

When he gets me inside, he sits me down in a chair in the waiting room, right in front of her office, and tells one of the other strangers to go get water and a rag. I look up to see the headmistress glaring at me. She thought no one was watching. I look back down at the man who is now kneeling in front of me looking over what injuries, old and new, that he can see over the dirt with a concerned expression.

One of the four other strangers that is left in the room whispers something to the man and he suddenly looks up at the headmistress with a very mean, cold look. Like a warning of some sort. It scares me a bit so I look down at my legs silently. Come to think of it, he hasn't said one word to the headmistress. Weird.

The stranger that was sent for the rag and water comes back in with the items and a crowd. Great, the other children are here for the show. Not all of them are mean though. Some of them are nice. They are just too scared of punishment so they keep their distance from me. I don't have my hopes up that they'll tell the truth if questions are asked.

The man kneeling in front of me takes his phone out of his pocket.
"Alright love, I'm going to take some pictures to show the police before I clean you up the best I can with a rag and a little bit of water." He's talking about all the dirt on my skin. I just know he is.

He starts taking pictures of all my injuries and the dirt at different angles. After a couple minutes and what seems like hundreds of photos later he grabs the rag and dips it in the water. He looks at me, grabbing my chin gently, and starts gently dabbing the rag against the skin under my nose. Was there blood there? I didn't really notice.

I finally look up at his dark chocolate brown eyes. Unlike when he was looking at the headmistress, his eyes are now soft and caring, while still containing concern.  He startles me when his eyes meet mine, so I quickly avert my eyes by looking over at the children that are being blocked off by the other strangers.

"What's your name, love?" I hear him ask. "I-it's Skylar, sir." I look down at my legs again as he moves the rag back to the water. He chuckles a little, softly.

"Please love, call me Johnny. How old are you?" I look at him again as he brings the rag to my cheek, cleaning the rest of my face off. "I'm 7, s-..." I almost said it again. He told me to call him Johnny, but I'm not use to using others names. I'm not use to talking much at all. "I'm 7." I repeat quietly.

He smiles softly and starts on my arms but says nothing else. After a few minutes the water is now so dark that you can't see the bottom of the bowl. I'm not completely clean of dirt and blood but he did the best he could like he said.

"Can you stand?" I look up at him then try to stand. I'm wobbly, but I manage. He takes my hand and leads me to another room, the headmistresses office, walking slowly so i can keep up. The headmistress tries to follow, but the man called Johnny told the 5 men with him to keep her out. He shuts the door.

"Have a seat, love." He gestures to a chair. I quickly sit down obediently.

He sits next to me and looks at me with concern again. "Skylar.." uh oh. He used my name instead of one of those little nicknames. "I-I'm sorry, sir.. I.." "Skylar." He interrupts me. "You're not in trouble, though, you will be if you call me "sir" again. So don't apologize. I want you to tell me about your injuries. Who is hurting you? And I want the truth." He says in a gentle yet stern tone, his eyes holding a serious gaze into mine.

I can already see there will be no lying to him.


A/N: Hey, thanks so much for reading! Plz let me know of any mistakes so I can fix them! Also, plz share your thoughts on this story! Thanks! 💖🥰

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