chapter 45:

Depuis le début

Destroyer: << kill confirmed. Good day >>


Sasuke: arigato pilots. Now then

3 cia operatives shoot with dmrs combine with sasuke's attacks. Sasuke land a blow on danzo. Obito nodded to Blackburn & his subordinates they hold fire.

Tobi: your different than the others. Why is that?

Blackburn: I'm a CIA operative black ops used to be a recon force. Cia plays good & bad no matter the cost

Obito: I see

He took Karin hostage. But Sazuke stabbed him & her. Campo jumped down swung his rifle down cut the chidori in half. Grabbed danzo & threw him by one hand.

He cradled  Karin to a bridal carry.

Campo: MEDIC.

Blackburn: that kid's issues got far issues

Blackburn jumped down aimed his hand gun at Sasuke. Soldier & shinobi glared at each other. Sword & bullet.

Sasuke: she is in your care now * saluted *

Danzo runs away sazuke follows him.

Campo: good he didn't hit her vital areas. Leaf shinobi Don't treat her right so well take her to the titan

Blackburn: that's affirmative. Everything is recorded. Come on let's back to base

Mitcovic: what about him?. Obito too

Blackburn: leave that to Naruto

Obito thought: such disciplined outworlders

Karin pov:

I heard a strange noise. A strange metal thing showed up.

More men with guns came out checking there surroundings. Door thing close as I felt thing fly.

Blackburn pov:

Blackburn: how is she?

Campo: holy cow staff sargent. Her body is like a rechargeable battery. She's got huge supply of Chakra. Readings are off the charts. That explains why she survive a stab wound from a lighting Long blade thingy

Mitkovic: that explains why she has bite marks from other people including her crush Sasuke 

Karin: not my crush ..... anymore







Blackburn: sorry to hear that.... red hair. Uzumaki clan that's rare

Karin: just who are you people?

Campo: welcome to United States of America. Do you anything to declare?

Karin: nani?

Blackburn: dude shut up


Daniel finally wakes up. He felt shuffling next to him. Tsunade under the covers with him. She wakes up.

Tsunade: sleep well. Dragging me in bed * pressing her large bust on his chest * got my comfortable. We both haven't slept since pain's attack

Daniel: let's blow something up

Tsunade had this look.

She grabbed him in choke hold slamming him back to bed she yet again broke the bed

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She grabbed him in choke hold slamming him back to bed she yet again broke the bed.

Tsunade: this why we sleep on the floor. Anyways feel my boobs


to be continued:


battlefield 2042: shippuden (recker x tsunade) CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant