01 | First Encounter

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October 4th 2022
10:00 pm

The faint noises of the traffic could be heard as the cold breeze brushed against the girl's skin through the open window.
Minji was quietly scribbling down in her sketchbook as she was seated on her bed next to the window which showed a beautiful view of the city below.

At the same time a certain boy was on a mission as he was lying on the rooftop of the tall apartment building.
Holding the sniper rifle in his hands he aimed it at his target in deep concentration.
Just as he was about to pull the trigger a loud honk of a car caused him to flinch as the bullet flew past the target, hitting the wall beside their head by a few inches.
The target began to run away before jumping inside a car and disappearing.

"Fuck! So close"

Jungwon growled while watching the car speeding away as he had once again failed a mission.
A job as a hitman wasn't always fun for the young boy.
Sometimes he had to really go out of his way to please his customers which often came with the possible risk of losing his own life .

The boy stood up before throwing the gun over his shoulder as he began making his way down from the rooftop.
Suddenly a bullet hit his shoulder making him fall to the ground while gritting his teeth to ease the burning pain.
He got up before hissing loudly as the strong pain hit his upper body while he was running towards the edge of the building.

Jungwon used the uninjured arm to climb down the ladder of the building as he kept looking around for a way to escape.
Suddenly a bullet flew an inch away from his head while only scratching his cheek lightly.
The panic was slowly taking over him as he fastened his pace while nearly falling off the ladder.

The boy eyed the windows of the tall building, looking for a possible open one he could jump into.
The pain in his shoulder grew stronger as he used his last strength to heave himself towards the open window he spotted next to the ladder.

Minji's peaceful night was interrupted as she began to hear loud noises outside her window.
She slowly stood up to peek outside before something heavy flew against her making her fall on the floor.

The boy groaned loudly as he had hit his injured shoulder while landing inside the room he was now in.
He sat up before eyeing around the room.
He could've sworn that he hit something hard when he fell through the window but nothing was in sight.

"Ah-, my head..."

The boy's head snapped towards the direction of the quiet voice as his eyes landed on the girl who was lying on the floor face down.

The girl got up while huffing out angrily before her eyes landed on the boy who was just as shocked as she was.
They stared at eachother for a brief moment before the girl snapped back to reality as she began taking steps away from the stranger seated on her floor.

"Who are you!? What are you doing in my room!?"

Minji yelled at the boy who was eyeing her with widened eyes.
Suddenly the boy winced as he held his shoulder before attempting to get up.
That's when the girl noticed the blood that was dripping down his shoulder while leaving red stains on her carpet.
And next to the boy she spotted the gun laying on the floor.
The girl could feel her heartbeat fastening as she kept staring at the weapon before slowly moving her focus on the injured boy.

"I'm sorry for jumping inside your apartment like this.
I would now gladly take my leave"

Jungwon responded as he walked past the girl before a stabbing pain struck his leg making him collapse to the floor.
The girl ran to help the boy up before he pushed her hands off of him; rejecting her offer of help.
The girl watched as the boy struggled to get up with his heavily bleeding shoulder and a leg that couldn't hold him up.

"Let me at least call you some help, you're losing a lot of blood"

Jungwon shook his head vigorously as he couldn't form a sentence through the pain that was now radiating throughout his whole body.

"No hospital-"

He managed to voice out while gasping for air as he could feel the dizziness slowly taking over him.
He was losing consciousness while the girl beside him was panicking.

Minji knelt down to shake the boy as he was blinking his nearly closed eyes while his body was starting to collapse onto the floor.
The girl brought her hands up to hold the half unconscious boy's head while slapping his cheeks lightly to keep him awake.

Suddenly Jungwon felt a heavy pressure around his head while hearing a loud ringing in his ears before his vision turned black.
The panicked girl held his unconscious body while thinking of ways to save the injured stranger in her arms.


first chapter, hehe
how are we feeling about this book?

hope you enjoyed this chapter ♡


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