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Skips to 1 month later,

(I did this because u guys are demanding that u don't want to be sad and not bring Ashi between Sidneet. See, I can't change the plot so I will skip all those part or u can say speed up the story. The plot will be same but the story will be a more fast.)

So it's been 1 month till Ashi met with Sidneet and three of them have become closer. Sid didn't talk about moving on into a relationship with Avu as he had thought. Infact, he had forgotten about it.

Few times, he spends more time with Ashi ignoring Avu unintentionally.  Avu has felt bad but she ignores the topic thinking that Ashi is also their friend. Rinushka also have a good bonding with Ashi but assume that she has come between Sidneet.

Presently Avu is in her college. She is in the basketball courtroom but lost in her thought thinking about yesterday night.


Sidneet and Ashi had gone to club. The DJ announced for a couple dance. Avu was standing between Sid and Ashi. When the DJ announced, Sid smiled and turned. He approached his steps.

Avu extended her hand but Sid passed her and went to Ashi asking her for a dance. She accepted and both went to dance floor and started dancing. Avu felt hurt. She couldn't see them like this so close so she went out of the club and taking a cab went to her home.

She messaged Sid that she has an headache so she is going home. She even called him once. But he didn't pick it up which made Avu feel more bad as Sid had kept a default ringtone for her and he always picked up her call in maximum 3 rings. She went home and drifted off to sleep.

In club,

After a while when the dance was over,Sid started searching for Avu. When he didn't find her, he got tensed and took out his phone. That's when he saw the message. He got more worried and left Ashi over there(Avu doesn't know this) and drove to her house.

He opened it with the spare key he always had and went to her room only to find her sleeping. He sighed in relief but the next moment he saw tear stains on her face. He got worried again but thought that it might be because of the headache.

He just took out his shirt and slept hugging her after thinking something very important. He smiled at his thoughts.

Next morning, Avu woke up and found Sid. She became happy that he still cares for her. After sometime Sid even woke up and both came to college.


Avu's POV- Why do I care if he spends time with Ashi?He has always been doing this. But now it hurts. Why? Yesterday I felt so bad. Why is it so?
"Because u love him"
I heard a voice and soon realized that it's my inner voice.  Wait..what! Howz this possible.. I love him? Okay wait! I get jealous when he is with other girls. I always like to be with him. I blush at his name. Wait! Is it true? Oh yes,it is...It's true...I - I love him...I love him...he is my first love and I promise it to be the last one.Oh my God! I can't believe.
POV ends.

She started jumping in happiness.

Avu- Wait wait wait! I have to tell him. I have to yaar before it's late.

She runs to washroom and for the first time in her life,starts checking herself if she is looking good or not. She practiced in front of the mirror when she heard the bell rang. She took a deep breath and took out her phone to message Sid. Coincidentally he even messaged her and the same thing.


Sidneet- Meet in the basketball courtroom.
Sidneet- 🤣🤣🤣

Both ran to the hall and met each other. They had a huge smile on their faces and were laughing.

Avu- I-

She was interrupted by Sid.

Sid- I love you...

She was shocked.


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