The 3rd damn festival (Ch. 19)

Start from the beginning

She seems to not have a single thought in her brain. You wished you were carefree like that sometimes.

Kaede: Yeeeessssss...

Y/N: Alright.

You slowly walk until you realize you were far behind Komi and Nene. You grab Kaede's shoulder and speed walk to the 2.

Kaede: *slowly* Weeeeeee...

Y/N: Wow.

After arriving at the shop, which seemingly felt like forever, you guys decide to look for the crap.

Nene: Alright so planks, paint, cloth.

Y/N: That should be it.

Nene: Alright let's split up gang-

Nene stops when she sees that leaving Komi and Kaede might not be a good idea.

Nene: Actually, Y/N you take Kaede-San and I'll take Komi-San...

Hearing this, you immediately sweat drop.

Y/N: That's fair.

Komi looks at the both of you surprised. Probably from the use of first names.

Y/N: I'll take the cloth and you take the paint. We'll meet up and look for planks.

Nene: Sure.

After splitting up, you look around for cloth with Kaede.

Y/N: Hey Kaede-San, what colors should we get?

Kaede: *slowly* Huuuhh? Oh... Whichever you want.

Y/N: Bruh...

After picking a few of the colors, you go to meet up with Nene, grasping Kaede's shoulder the entire time.

Y/N: Ah shoot!

You slip over and drop all of that cloth. Way to go idiot.

Y/N: Wait... Where'd she go?!

Oh wow, she went missing... How the hell? Anyways, you look around for Kaede only to bump into Nene.

Y/N: Have you seen Kaede-San?

Nene: Have you seen Komi-San?

Y/N and Nene: Huh?! We lost them?!

Nene: While I was getting the paint, she just ran off...

Y/N: I tripped and let go of Kaede for like a second and she disappeared.

Nene: Wow, that sounds troublesome.

Y/N: We got our cloth at the very least...

Nene: Hah! We got both the paint and planks!

Y/N: Huh?! That fast?!

Nene: Yeah, anyways, I think we should look for them.

Y/N: Probably.


Oh my god you actually found them. That took so damn long.

Nene: Jeez, don't do that to us...

Kaede: *slowly* Onemine-San! Komi-San is now my friend!

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now