Part 7

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Conversation flowed easily on the way, neither of them talking about her memories. After almost twenty minutes of walking, which felt too quick to both of them, though they won't admit it. He was surprised on seeing her place because even if Ben was keeping an eye on her and was her husband, he respected her privacy.

Her 'home-sweet-home' wasn't much but it was exactly the kind of thing she would do. It was cozy, not much furniture inside cause 'she liked to keep space for unplanned dance sessions.' There was a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and little office type room. Basically all the necessities. Not to mention it was messy.

There was a coffee table with a little box on it, a small tv, a bookshelf loaded with books like how was it not breaking, she clearly needed a bigger one...though she clearly had one at their house, but didn't know about it. The curtains weren't vibrantly coloured, little homemade decorations hung here and there, about 5 frames with some photos of her and Harry and scenery, and cream coloured walls with little origami hung on it. Oh and the Avengers clock was her favorite.

Her bedroom wall was filled with posters favorite bands, shows and movies. There was one vibrant poster from Chronicles of Narnia too but it was from the first one and didn't have him. A little desk with a journal kept on it with a bunny pen stand. A wardrobe large enough for one person and again some origami stuff hung here and there along with— "Are those Christmas decorations?"

"Huh? Oh...those. I forgot to take them down."

He looked back at her to find her rummaging through her fridge, trying to find something to eat. Taking out a chocolate she started eating it, before realizing that Ben was also there and offered him some. Taking some of it, he sat down on her brown straight out of The Big Bang Theory couch.

"Do you have any orange slices?" Ben questioned.

"Uh, sorry...but I have some kiwis if you want?"

"No, it's alright. Okay, so tell me what you know."

"First off, I have a question," hearing him respond with a shoot, she continued, "What is— or well was, my favorite ice-cream flavor?"

He chuckled loudly, "Really?"

"Hey, that's an important thing."

"Right right...very important. Um, it was...Bucky road."

Y/N snickered. "Rocky road, you mean."

"You insisted on calling it that. Anyway, so tell me, what all do you know."

She thought out with a pout, which was adorable in Ben's opinion, "Uh...well my name, Y/N Parker, birth date without the year, my favorite ice cream flavor as you told me and that fact that I have an older brother, not who...just I know I have one. And no partners. Oh and before you tell me about me, tell me how I know you."

Ben's happy expression faltered when she mentioned she had no partners, nervousness building. "We have been friends...since childhood actually."

Y/N's face flushed with guilt, she was expecting that they were colleagues or maybe friends for some years, but childhood!? Damn. Her insides flooded with regret. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't know," her tone proving her feelings.

Ben shrugged it off knowing it was not her fault. "It's okay, you lost your memories after all. You lost them about a year ago as you said but it actually happened a year and almost two months ago." He spoke with a far away look in his eyes, clearly remembering those events.

Ben was pacing around his living room, looking out the window for the tenth time in the past sixty seconds. His other hand was busy frantically calling his wife who was out with some friends while he remained home cause he wasn't feeling like it. Oh how he wished he did.

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