Prologue: The two genius born to be enemies.

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Once upon a time.

There came two noble girls born from different families.
Both were their pride and joy. 

From the Ravimoux family, their pink hair were utterly distinguishable for it was truly a trait of nobility, admired by everyone in the kingdom and were favored by all. 

Violetta Ravimoux was her name, pink hair with sparkling violet eyes. The little girl grew up thinking she was certainly a gift from the heavens. Having an ego that could rival the clouds from the sky. 

Certainly her beauty was close to perfection, smile that could make many suitors faint and excelled in almost everything.


While from the Du Pont family, their reputation were known to the world due to their scholars of a family and many contributions on the field of magic theory, several studies of beasts, physical prowess and magic.

They were utterly perfect to the public's eye and was favored by the royal family.

Aviana Lamagne Du Pont, striking brown hair and blue eyes. 

The girl was known to be logical, smart, and even strict with herself due to her upbringing. Her beauty was unmatched but even still she pars well with the rival family of the house.

The two houses rivaled each other- rival was just putting it lightly. 

To be more specific they hated each other since the incidents of grudges from both of their family. They were sworn generational enemies having the king order their feud to stay put, their occasional brawls were continued from contests and public accomplishment flexing.

The two girls being of the same age and grade, the two families decided it would be the perfect time to see who dominates over the other- pressure definitely started to build up when they were children.

Being enrolled in a private school for noble children at the age of five. Both were each other's throat no matter what they did- from sports, magic, and academics. 

The Du Pont family always won.

Aviana was always first in everything, and Violetta seemed to be forever the second placer of the both. It angered her, including her family who seemed disappointed at their little girl that they treasured so much.

"What are you doing Violetta?! How could you let that Du Pont beat you at everything?!"

"Father, I-"

"After all those tutors and countless materials I gave you?! Could you do nothing right?!" 

Those Du Pont bastards must be cheating!

No doubt about it! 

"Next year, you must beat her or else." Her father warned her and the girl could only nod. 

And the same thing happened over and over again. It was starting to become like a cycle. In their teenage years, they both went to the same private middle school for nobles and gifted students.


Violetta, became rampant, spoiled and even loved pranking the girl she despised the most.

From tagging permanent ink in her locker rooms, hiding her books herself, even putting frogs in Aviana's shoes and insulting her words everyday in class. 

Truly, she was a villainess in disguise.

"Hahaha! Let's see how you'll handle having ink in your clothes for today's class! You'll be the laughing stock of the class!" (Violetta) laughed, pointing at her eternal rival.

"...It's just a stain." (Aviana) on the other hand found her little antics worth nothing of her time. She ignored everything and even managed to stay cool in the situation at hand making her look... kind of cool. 

"Why you-! Notice me you stupid Aviana! Hmph! Just you wait what I'll put into your locker next time!" (Violetta) was red furious as she stomped her feet and didn't plan on stopping her pranks- not until... 

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met." 

She fell in love with Aviana's brother who fed her a lot of lies and promises about then being star-crossed lovers who were meant to be. 

Allan Du Pont, the son also known as disgrace of the family- who was not interested in academics but just wastes money over women. The family did everything they could trying to turn him over to a new leaf, even sending him into a military boarding school didn't help- he just came back even more worse than before. 

From then on Violetta's demeanor changed towards Aviana trying to befriend her. 

"Aviana~ here have some candy. I heard chocolate is your favorite- wait it's not?"

"Here I thought you liked books. You... don't like picture books?"

"H-How about a cookie surely you like that at least-?"

From lavish gifts, to compliments and even trying her very best getting close to the girl.

"No, I know what you're doing." (Aviana) rejected every single gift and compliment the villainess could give her. "You... only want my brother and not me. Whatever you will do, it will not make me accept you." 

"Tch." (Violetta) rolled her eyes not caring anymore and decided that she won't befriend a woman who won't accept her. "I don't need you to get to your brother, Aviana."


After two years...

Aviana decided that she will become a woman who is loyal to her studies and business, she invented many things that became a matter of convenience as well as a demand for all the people- and became undoubtedly successful with her research.

Building her own empire was not easy but thanks to her knowledge, everything was coming into place. 

She bought her own mansion, cutoff her parents who was trying to get her to marry and decided that she will live happily in peace and quiet. 

"...Hah." (Aviana) looked through the month's sales and smiled in relief that everything was going according to plan. "Soon... she'll come knocking my door. Everything I've done is all for her." 

Aviana Du Pont was a popular author when she still lived. Making many [Otome Game] that gained popularity but none that made her satisfy with her work thus she began making a new novel for her to fiddle with.

It titled [The Wrathful Flower], where the mother of the villainess is named Violetta and now she found herself being at the very start of the story. "The villainess would end thousands of people if... she was not surrounded with love and only chaos."

She placed down her financial report on the side and relaxed her back onto her office chair. 

"The villainess' mother will knock on my door asking for shelter, the real Aviana... chased them away." (Aviana) stands up from her seat and took a good look at the window. "...!"

There she sees a woman being drenched in the rain, just staring at her mansion gate.

Aviana squints her eyes to see a familiar color on the head of her unknown visitor. 

"Pink hair..." she mutters out weakly, seeing that Violetta was in her most vulnerable state yet. 

"Let her in!" (Aviana) orders her guards to open the gates and let the shivering girl in a rush. "Quickly-!" 

Aviana holds an umbrella as she stares at the girl who has hated her all this time, looking weak- holding something and protectively carrying it to not get wet by the rain. 

"Violetta." The Du Pont girl calls out to her name and Violetta could only look up to meet her eyes. "Are you alright?" she walks forward and held the umbrella over her head to shield her from the rain.

It's been two years, you still look beautiful from the day you disappeared.

"Aviana, I-!" (Violetta) moves forward and soon revealed a huge belly under her cloak. "I... didn't know where else to go."

"You're... pregnant?"

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