Root Packed

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It's been a couple days, and you've finally woke up from your long 'sleep'. After about a minute of trying (and failing) to sit up from your bed, you've finally managed to successfully sit up from your bed, though it was pretty painful. 'W-What happened?' You thought, putting a hand on your head. Though this was an instant mistake, because once you did this, a sharp pain arose from your head, causing you to wince a bit. After this, you heard some footsteps that sounded like the person was coming up the stairs. At first, you thought it was Elder Kettle, but once they made it fully up the stairs, it was revealed to be the cups. Cuphead looked a bit upset, while Mugman, whom also looked upset, glanced at your room. But the moment he saw you was up, his down casted expression was instantly replaced with a more cheerful expression. He then elbowed Cuphead, causing him to look at Mugman in confusion. Mugman then started pointing at you, causing Cuphead to look at you, and the moment he did this, his confused expression was replaced with extreme happiness. "Y/n!" They both exclaimed, charging over towards you. They then hugged you real tight, resulting in the hug to be a bit painful, yet you was still happy. "Hey guys," you groggily stated, yet still cheerful. Once they released from the hug, Mugman beamed, "We're so glad you're ok." "I'm glad too," you softly smiled. "So, what are y'all doing today?" You asked the cups with a slightly raised brow. "Well, we're thinkin' about goin' to the movie theater later today," Cuphead smiled, causing you to slightly gasp. "Oh cool! Can I go?" You asked, pretty hopeful that they'll say yes, but all you was met with was an awkward silence. "Well," Mugman started, finally breaking the ice. But before he could even start his sentence, you all heard a blood curdling scream outside, resulting in the cups to run out of your room, while you was trying to get out of your bed. You was going a bit slow because you didn't want to hurt yourself. Once you managed to get out of your bed, your legs was starting to ache a bit, which you thought was because you slept the wrong way, so you didn't walk fast either, much to your annoyance.

Once you finally made it downstairs, you saw that the cups was dragging Elder Kettle to his room, so you obviously followed them. The cups then gently laid him down on his bed, while he was groaning in pain. "Oh my babies," he groaned, I fed them, I nursed them, I kept them alive, without me they're doomed." Cuphead then patted his head and vowed, "Don't worry Elder Kettle, we'll take care of your babies." "Here let me fluff your pillow," Cuphead smiled, fluffing up his pillow. "Can I get you some soup?" Mugman asked in his most caring voice, causing Elder Kettle to become a bit skeptical. "Hmm, you two are being awfully helpful," he stated, real skeptical. "You two are up to something! Y/n make sure they-" but before he could finish his sentence, he fell asleep, resulting in Cuphead to whisper to Mugman, "See, out like a light now let's scram and catch that new picture show." They then ran out of Elder Kettles' room and out through the front door and you followed them (you didn't run though). Once you made it outside you exclaimed, "Yay! Movies here we come!" Causing the cups to turn to you, looks of pity plastered on their faces, causing you to start frowning. "What?" You asked them, still frowning, as the cups looked at each other and then looked back at you. "Well," Cuphead started, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "We think that it would be best if you stayed here today," Mugman finished, causing Cuphead to just nervously nod in agreement. "What! Why!?" You asked them, a bit shocked. "Well, because we do dangerous stuff almost everyday, so there's a bad chance that if you go with us, you may get hurt... Or worse and we can't risk that," he explained, a bit hesitantly but reluctantly. Upon hearing this, you just nervously laughed and said, "Oh come on guys, is this about that ghost situation that happened yesterday?" Your question then caused the cups to visibly tense up and for Cuphead to mumble, "It's been three days," but it he said it loud enough for you to hear. "What! You're saying I was out of it for three days!" You shouted eyes wide, causing the cups to tense up even more. "L-Listen, all we're sayin' is, is that it's probably better for you to stay home," Mugman hesitantly stated, trying to convince you, but this only caused you to start giving him puppy dog eyes. Aw come on guys, please can I go with y'all, I promise I ain't gonna get hurt, you pleaded, resulting in Cuphead to look at his brother in desperation. Mugman then sighed, "Fine you can go too." "Yay!" You cheered, raising your arms up. The cups than continued running to the gate opening, while you walked over to it. When y'all was about to exit the gate, Mugman suddenly grabbed Cupheads' handle, causing Cuphead to fall onto the ground. "Hey! We gotta make tracks if we're gonna make the five o clock!" Cuphead shouted, still on the ground. "But Cuphead, Elder Kettles' garden, we promised we'll take care of his babies," you sadly stated, while Cuphead was getting back up. "Yeah, like feed them, nurture them, kinda like how he took care of us when we were babies," Mugman also sadly stated. You two then looked at Cuphead as he groaned while turning to face you and Mugman. He then dramatically asked, "Why'd you have to go and say it like that?" Before falling onto the gate door. Once he finished doing this, you grabbed his handle and walked over to Elder Kettles' garden.

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