Being Hanayama's 12 year old sister be like-

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~ tall for your age about 5 foot 6 and a half

~ You very popular at school because of your height but other girls dislike you


~ Big bro came to pick you up from class to see super doctor aka Kuera Shinogi

~ Everyone was scared shitless

~ But they still like you

~ The girls that dislike you are terrorfied of you

~ You are best friends with Tooru Hanma (My Albino OC)

~ Boy can you fight or can you fight

~ You are very strong just like your brother

~ Tooru is like your right hand girl/ secerectary

~ Hanayama hates taking you to gang meetings but he knows you need to go for you safety

~ You tend to annoy him a lot tho-

~ But he likes it because he knows your safe and he can keep an eye on you since your 12 years old

~ You got a tattoo like his but it depicks the child in the temple bell meaning that he will protect you with his life

~ He has told you ever story he know but loves telling them to you just to see your eyes glow up at each one

~ If he did end up dying before having his own family he wants you to become head of the gang

~ Over all Hanayama really cares about you and will do anything to protect you even if it cost his own life

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