Chapter 7: Say More

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"I remember him, never let Sirius out of his sight, but what ever happened to him?" Asked Rosmerta

"Peter tried to warn the Potter's and might have managed to, had he not run into an old friend, Sirius Black." Said McGonagall

"Black was Vicious, he didn't kill Pettigrew, he destroyed him!" Said Fudge

"Yes, Sirius Black may not have put his hands on the Potter's, but he's the reason they're dead!" Said McGonagall

"And now he wants to finish what he's  started." Said Fudge

"I don't believe it!" Exclaimed Rosmerta

"Oh, it gets much worse." Said McGonagall

"What could be worse?!" Asked Rosmerta

"Sirius Black is Harry Potter's Godfather." Said McGonagall

Harry Froze,

Did Sirius Black, his own Godfather, betray his parents?!

Harry exited the Pub and stormed off, while taking off the Cloak.

Alaina, Ron and Hermione followed Harry as his footprints led to his location.

Harry was found sobbing, Not caring about anything else but about what he just heard in the pub.

"He was their friend, and he betrayed them.." Harry muttered

The Trio looked at Harry as his Tears continued falling from his eyes.

They hugged him slightly, Harry didn't hug them back, but he appreciated how they warmed him up at a time like this.

When they finally returned from Hogsmeade, Harry was nervous and shaken for days, when he was asked if he was fine, Harry always said he needed time alone.

Alaina was very concerned over her friend, the feeling of betrayal hits very very hard, especially when your related to a traitor, or if you're parents trust one.

Ron and Hermione were surprisingly still arguing about there pets, and they weren't on the worst terms, but they weren't on good terms either, Ron still can't help but blush every time the "closer." thing was mentioned.

Alaina sat in her Dormitory, all alone as all the girls went out to do there normal activities, at first they invited Alaina to join them, but she declined and said she was alright.

Looking up at the sky, she wondered if this uear would be normal.

However, McGonagall barged into the Gryffindor Common Room, and had an announcement to make.

"I have something to tell you all." She firmly said

"It has come to my attention, that one of the students, have apparently gone missing, although they are not from this house, I was ordered to inform this to you all and the rest of the Students." Said McGonagall

Everyone looked in shock

"The student is a Female Hufflepuff, apparently she disappeared just like that, and the cause of her disappearance is unknown, we have many theories to why this student is gone." Said McGonagall

"Professor McGonagall, who is the student anyway?" Asked Alaina

"Claire... Claire Woodward." Said McGonagall

Alaina looked like she was stabbed in the heart, She refused to believe that Claire, someone she was in love with, someone she just befriended, has disappeared.

"It is possible that Sirius Black may be the one who has something to do with this situation, but we are not yet sure if it is him, so here are some rules. Please stay safe, and if you see anything or anyone that is suspicious. Please report to the staff. We don't want anymore missing students." Said McGonagall

As McGonagall left the room, everyone was worried that Claire Woodward might've been taken by Sirius Black.

Ron and Hermione concerningly stared at Alaina, while Harry frowned and once again thought of Sirius Black

"Alaina, are you okay?" Asked Hermione

"No.." Said Alaina

"I'm not okay at all! My crush is missing! Sirius Black could've kidnapped her! I don't know where she is! What the hell would anyone do with Claire?! Why did Claire go missing?! Are we really going to have another Chamber of Secrets incident?!" Alaina panicked and shrieked

Alaina sighed and went back to her Dormitory

This night was terrible, Harry is anxious, Ron and Hermione are arguing, and now Claire is missing, Alaina just wanted things to be normal.

Alaina was on the verge of despising Sirius Black just as much as Harry does, although, no one knows for sure where Claire is..

(The End)

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