How To Train Your Dracorex Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Stop! Sir William stop! There is something that you must see." I release a large breath as Sarah stops the man from killing both me and Danny with his large sword. The Knight seems to accept this, a defeated look overcoming his features as he wearily brings his sword down into the ground. Allowing both me and Danny to scamper away and over to the woman who just saved our collective arses.

"Do you know what this is, William?" She asks him as he joins us by the tomb, hand brushing over the face of the horizontal statue on the grave. "It is my grave, I am dead and gone to hell."

"You're not dead yet." He takes interest in her words, looking for a lie in her expression and seeing none. "Are you okay?" Danny whispers from beside me, looking me over and thankfully ignoring my current clothing. I answer with a question, "are you?" He nods, brushing himself off as I do too. "See what it says here?" She points at the inscription on the side of his tomb. He shakes his head in disbelief. "Then why am I already in the world to come?" My heart aches for the man. I can't imagine how terrifying the thought of being in his faiths hell must be. Her hand moves to brush more ivy away, "look." He sees the space her hand leaves and the extra, loose piece of the tomb beside it. A shocked breath escapes his lips. "My wife lies here beside me." That is when I notice the soft material wrapped around his wrist; a favour for good luck. "But I have no wife."

"Not yet." I step beside him as I say this, now understanding what Sarah has found out. He now looks at me, eyes roaming my face for any sign of deception just like he did to Sarah. "Bit you will when you get back; Lady Elizabeth Langley." She informs, stirring something in him. "How do you know her?" She doesn't answer, instead continuing with her confessions. "You will marry her William. You will have three children together." A great researcher indeed. Underestimate this woman at your own peril. "I am just a wandering Knight, far below her in rank." He leaves our sides, Sarah quick to follow though is stopped by Danny briefly until I grab his other arm, telling him with my eyes to let her go. He reluctantly does and she strides after the knight. "You must have done something to impress her, William. You will live a long and happy life together. It's written here," she gestures behind her to the two tombs, "in stone. It's you're fate, you're destiny!"

I cut in, "if you let us take you back." He turns to me, a shake of his head making my shoulder slump at his refusal. "My only way back is to kill the beast." Not giving up I step forward. "That is not your quest William. Your quest is to leave this place and marry Elizabeth. The-the beast is wounded and likely to die. " I swallow the bike in my throat at the thought of such a beautiful animal dying. Honour is satisfied." This turns him fully to me, taking two large steps he grabs me by the top of my dress. "You know where it is? Take me to it." Not long ago I'd have been scared be this but as I stare into him I can see he is just desperate, scared and wanting to get home the only way he believes possible. Danny doesn't quite take to my way of thinking though, trying to get to us to separate him from me. "Take another step and I'll dispatch her where she stands." He spits out at the other man, raising his sword in an open threat. "You will not harm her William; it goes against all rules of chivalry." It's Sarah who speaks up, obviously knowing a lot more about the rules of knights than we do. He seems to think over this, eyes fanning across my face as he wars with himself. After a minute I feel his arms circle me, shoulder going into my stomach as he lifts me onto it. I shout in surprise as my eyes stare into the dirty white of his shirt. The swaying as he walks is almost sickening as I quickly decide fighting against him would only hinder any chance of getting him back through the anomaly. Huffing as the other two follow us, I rest my chin my my hand to emphasise how unhappy I am to them.

Little did I know the swaying and bobbing of being on his shoulder was nothing in comparison to the gallop of his horse. I'd take my bike any day. His hand goes behind us, pushing me into him as we ride, my arms wrapping around him out of pure fear of falling off him. Yeah, I'm decided; artificial horsepower all the way. After what feels like hours of this torture we finally arrive at the scrap yard, though as I am coerced into leading him to the shed of a building, I know I would endure the horse ride again to stop what's about to happen.

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