Extended Description

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LONG AGO before the existence of Adam and Eve, the world was graced with the presence of the Primevals - the original children of Terra, also known by her famous name, Earth. Terra as an elemental deity bore four children of separate and individual elements: Aqua, the eldest, was born of Water; Luxe, the next sibling, was born of Light, along with her twin sister Shadow, who was born of Darkness; and Aeris, the youngest, was born of Air.

They lived in harmony throughout eons - knowing their respective roles to maintain the supernatural equilibrium. But then came Adam and Eve, the first man and woman of humanity, born of dust and breathed into living by the hands of an even more powerful deity. The four sisters along with their mother were very curious with these creatures that lived with them in their home, the Garden of Eden. But along with their curiosity came fear, for they were not aware of the powers Adam and Eve held in their hands. So their mother Terra prohibited her children to interact with the human beings for their own safety. And so for a while, they continued to maintain the balance of the supernatural and harmoniously lived with the first humans.

However, Shadow was consumed with curiosity more than fear. She was born of Darkness after all, what else should she be terrified of? She roamed the Garden of Eden at night, in which she was most comfortable, looking over the first humans of the world as if to protect them. She was particularly interested in Adam - the male human - and decided that she desired to have a child, and that child would be just like Adam. As Shadow watched Adam and Eve sleep, she panicked when Adam suddenly screamed in agony. Eve did not move an inch hence unable to help her companion, so despite Terra's rule, Shadow rushed to Adam's aid. Not knowing what to do, she grabbed the first thing she thought was helpful - and that was the sacred food of the Primevals.

Before Shadow could even stretch her arm and hand over the piece, thunder boomed throughout the garden, startling both of them. Terra appeared before her in a blink of an eye, and both Terra and her wayward daughter disappeared before Adam's eyes just as fast.

"We must not pry into the humans business!" Terra bellowed in anger. On that night, Shadow experienced her mother's wrath. She cursed her daughter to be barren for all of eternity for she was aware of her daughter's desire to have a child. Shadow begged her mother to spare her - that she was willing to do anything else as penance - but Terra was convinced that this was the best and most ruthless punishment she could give.

And so she became barren, unable to bear a child. Time passed by and she watched her sisters be filled with the desire to have children as well. Shadow witnessed her sister Aqua bear the first of the First Children and a healthy baby boy, who she named Camden. Then came Aeris and her son named Harry, also a baby boy. The twins Luxe and Shadow were the only ones so far who did not have a child, but Shadow did not allow that.

She went to far places and did things far beyond her power just so she can create her own little baby boy. She discovered things - roots and plants and essence - that helped with her experimentation. And so witchcraft was born. Shadow has worked on this years and years, and then the time came for her to add the final ingredients: a piece of her heart for the child to be called her own, a bone from her body for strength, a quarter of her brain for knowledge, and her right eye for power. Thus - Louis, the UMBRA MORTIS SEDENT was born.

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