No Creature like Snow Creature Part Two

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Disclaimer me nor Twinwolf17 own the Scooby doo Series and Movies. I believe that right goes to Warner Brothers.
Bold - the movies/TV series
Normal- the reactions
Italic- Thoughts and speaking

Wolf and Raven resumed the show as the adults come out of their thoughts about Scoobert seeing Norville as his pup.
Velma looks at the two teens that were around her. 'I think we ought to have a little talk with Chris Klug.' Fred looks at Velma with pure joy in his eyes at the thought of talking to one of his idols. 'Talk to Chris Klug?! Cool!' We then see the group in the inn standing around Chris Klug. Everyone that is but Young Norville.
What do they mean everyone but my little boy?!! Where is he?? Mrs. Rogers was panicked worrying for her baby and his whereabouts. Wolf just told Mrs. Rogers to continued watching the screen and she would find out.
He was curled up on Chris's lap with his blankie around him and his paci in his mouth trying to take a nap. Chris was alright with that as he could tell that the toddler was tired and just wanted to be cuddled into something or someone warm. Chris was signing an auto graph for a female while listening to Fred talking. 'You know in Aspen when you nailed that 720 mid-twist, then grabbed some flying squirrel in the nect move.' Chris looked done with Fred at that point. He kept a hold on the toddler in his lap and looked at the group of teens in front of him. 'Yeah, Fred, Right?' Fred looked at his idol with surprise as he knew his name. 'That was so cool!' Chris took one more look at the sleeping toddler in his lap to be sure that he was still asleep. 'Thanks bro. Just bummed I won't be shreddin' the pow here. Thanks to that oversized popsicle.' What no one saw, was little Norville slowly waking up from his short nap. Norville looked at Chris Klug with giant puppy dog eyes. 'Wowicle. Wewe?'
All the women awwed at the site of the young boy with his puppy dog eyes. (And even though the men wouldn't say it, they awwed too.).
Chris looked at that adorable little face and didn't have the heart to tell him that it wasn't a real popsicle.
Judy (Fred's mother) looked towards her two husbands. "That is one good role model for little Norville." All the adults agree with that statment.
Before he could say aything, Velma interupted him. 'So you were really attacked by some kind of creature?' Chris looked done with them once more. 'Yeah. Trippy, huh?' All Velma did was hum in thought. Fred looked at the girls in thought about a plan. "The Best Way to get a handle on this mystery is from the inside. I'll pose as one of the pro-boarders."
Judy, Brad, and Fred Sr. looked at their son with confusion as they knew that their son can't snowboard to save his life. They asked their son when he learned to snowboard. Fred just looked towards his parents and didn't answer them.
Daphe looked at Fred like he was out of his mind. "But Freddy what about the monster?" Avalanche Anderson at that time walked from around the corner into the room. "Monster?" Chris looked towards his fellow snowboarder. "Yo, Avalanche, it's true. Full on Snow creature." Avalanche looked at Chris. "Hmm. I believe you man. A serious competitor like you would never purposely quit." Fred looked like christmas had came early. "Avalanche Anderson! Wow! You practically invented the sport! I've been watching your movies since I was a kid." Little Norville had since woken up but stayed curled up on Chris's lap as he was comfortable. But as he heard Fred call Avalanche a movie star, decided to go over to him. Norville tugged on Chris's shirt. Chris looked down at the little man. "What do You want little man?" Chris asked with nothing but kindness in his voice. All Norville did was poiint at Avalanche and then the ground. Chris helped the little boy off his lap. Norville with his blankie and paci toddled his way over to Avalanche and tugged on his pants leg.
Everyone(but the gang) awwed at the adorable boy. While little Norville was cuddled into his mother and father both of who had huge smiles upon their faces.
Avalanche had been watching the tod walk his way over to him. Norville looked at Avalanche with puppy dog eyes and did the universale sign that young children do when they want to be picked up or held, grabby hands. Avalanche picked the toddler up without a fuss. "awe Mowie Ware?" Norville asked with his sweet toddler voice. Avalanche looked at the toddler and couldn't help but answer him. "Ya little man. I am a movie star." Before he could say anything else, the gang of teenagers had stormed over and ripped little Norville from the movie star's arms.
Everyone was beyond pissed off at that sight before them. Professor Pericles actually flew towards the teens with a gun that he stole from the sheriff's gunbelt. All anyone could hear was him cussing out the three teenagers for harming his little birdy. Before professor pericles could shot the three teens, Mr. E grabbed ahold of his old friend and tried to calm him down by saying that his little birdy was currently safe and sound and that no one eill urt him with them all there.
Fred looks at his two favorite snowboarders. "We are so sorry for him bugging you. We hadn't finished training him yet."
This fueled the anger that everyone had already felt towards the three teens. Proffesor Pericles had to be held down again. But if anyone looked towards a certain duo, they would see Skipper Shelton and Sheriff Bronson Stone looking like they were about to commit murder.
Meanwhile, Daphne and Velma were yelling at the little toddler who was crying.
The Dinkles and the Blakes looked at their respected daughters and said one word that had the two teens looking fearful. "Lockdown". Many of the adults there didn't know what lockdown was so they asked. The Dinkles and the Blakes explained that it was basically being grounded but they, the parents, will have 24 hour survallance on both girl, Added to it, the girls' rooms will be stripped off anything that the girls would consider fun.
Scoobert was a minute away from tearing their heads off with his teeth.
This helped instill into everyone that Scoobert saw the little boy as his own. The Rogers looked at their son and the family's beloved companion with nothing but love and gratefullness in their eyes.
But he wasn't the only one as Avalanche and Chris looked about ready to tear into the gang as well. The gang took notice off this as the growling from the three had increased a lot. They were smart enough to stop yelling at the toddler. No one saw it coming when Scoobert stormed over on his two hind legs and ripped Norville from the bruising hold that Daphne had the toddler in.
"Go Scoobert!!" was heard from a corner in the room. Everyone turned to look into the corner and saw a man with brown hair and green eyes. As soon as the Rogers parents saw the man smiles appeared in their faces. "Daniel, how have you been?" The man now identified as Daniel had a smile on his face as well. "Like man, I have been good. How have Ya'll and my little cuddle buddy been?" Before the couple could answer, Fred Junior asked with a tonoe that held disgust, "And who are you?" Fred ignored the looks sent to him by his parents. Daniel looked ready to beat Fred to a pulp. "Boy I would watch how you talk to me as you re already on really thin ice for what yuo have done so far to MY NEPHEW!" Fred looked ready to faint. "Your nephew?" "That's what one would call their brother's child correct?" Daniel asked towards his brother. Colten Rogers looked at his little brother and informed him that he was correct. Colten and Paula Rogers invited their brother to sit with them. Daniel gladly sat beside the couple with little Norville seated on his lap cuddling into his uncle.
It then cuts to the group outside investigating. Scoobert had decided that he didn't trust the gang to watch HIS pup, so he had bundled Norville up and had the toddler on his back as they followed after Fred and Daphne. Velma was way behind the group as she was so bundled up that she looked like she should be knocking down giant bowlig pins. Fred ushered Velma to hurry up, but all she did was hmm. "Ha Ha. You'll be laughing through your handkerchief when I am the only one who hasn't caught a cold." Scoobert looks at Velma then at HIS pup and decides that HIS pup is bundled up enough to not get sick. Daphne hears someone coming towards where the group was. "Shh, guys! Someone's coming." The three teens hide behind crates while Scoobert and Little Norville hide in a stack of tires. We see the reporter, Nancy , was walking around trying to talk to her boss on the phone. "Can you hear me now Morty?! How about now? Yes, I know we need higher ratings. Yes! Don't worry. I think I can virtually promise you more viewers. Wait. Your breaking up again." Nancy then walks away from the hidden group in hopes of finding better service. Velma, Fred, and Daphne appeared from their hiding spots. Velma hums in thought, "Interesting." Fred turns towards Velma. "Yeah, you'd think you can get a lot clearer signal up here." Velma looks so done with Fred. "No, What I meant was I wonder how she can guarantee higher ratings." Daphne sees a shadow figure in distance. "Guys! Look!" Scoobert yells "Snow Creatures." He picks up Norville and starts heading towards the lodge.
Daniel looked at Scoobert along with the other adults and one bird. "Good job boy for trying to get Norville to ssafety. But from what we have seen, the three idiotic teens wouldn't let you."
Fred pulls Scooby by his tail back towards the gang.
This just proved that the adults were correct about their assumption.
Velma starts talking in her tone again. "I don't think so Scooby, unless Chris was exggerating. That mystery sneak sure isn't made of ice and snow." Scoobert looks so put out with the teens. "ri rownt rare rif re ris rade rof row rat rozen rogurt." (I don't care if he is made of low fat frozen yogurt.)
Everyone started laughing and giggling at this point. The Rogers family just looked at Scoobert with an adoring look in their eyes as only he would compare a creature to food. Skipper Shelton leaned over to Bronson's ear and started whisper to him. "From what we have seen, one could tell that Scoobert will only become more protect of the we lad as he gets older." Sheriff Bronson Stone looked towards the boy and his dog and then back over towards his friend and agreed with him.
Scoobert once again tried to head back to the lodge with little Norville.  They are once again stopped by Fred. "I have a better idea. Let's follow him."
Fred's three parents looked a thim. "We have a better idea. How about you don't follow the shadow figure and get grounded."  Fred looked at his parents in shock. "But..." "No buts young man. We will talk about this later." (You can guess which of his parents said that)

To Be Continued

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